-Purple sweet potatoes have a rich, almost winey flavor but are denser and drier than regular sweet potatoes.When cooking, they will take longer than regular sweet potatoes. It will take anywhere from 90 minutes to 2 hours at 350 F to make them pleasingly moist.The deep color of purple sweet potatoes comes from anthocyanins, the same pigment that gives cherries, strawberries, purple carrots and other vegetables their color.
-200 grams of baked sweet potatoes includes:
Calories: 180 Vitamin A: 214% Vitamin C: 52% Vitamin B6: 34%
Manganese: 50% Copper: 36% Pantothentic acid: 35%
Biotin: 29% Potassium: 27% Fiber: 26% Phophorus: 15%
-Functions: Having Antioxiadant Nutrients, Anti-Infammatory Nutrients, Improving Blood Sugar Regulation, Being good for digestion and eye health, Helping Relaxation and anti-stress mineral, supporting a healthy immune system.
-SkinPurple and fairly smooth, no defects. Generally more round (fatter) than the Stokes purple sweet potatoes, which are more elongated
-FleshWhitish flesh that turns golden when banked
-TasteVery sweet anf fairly firm inside, natural sweet
-ColourDark purple skin, purple/ creamy flesh, well coloured with no defects pr strangely texture.
-ShapeOval or elongated tuber crooked/ constricted, not badly disfiguration
-Size80-500 grams/pieces minimum
-Weight50-150 grs/ or 250 grs up
-AppearanceBe selected carefully, cleaned by water, no worm, no foul, no rotten
-Packing-10 kgs/carton
-10 tons/20 RF container
-20 tons/40 RF container