The asparagus racemosus supplied and exported by us, exhibits numerous medicinal qualities because of which it is preferred by clients from pharmaceutical backgrounds. Our clients are also pleased by the easy availability of asparagus racemosus in bulk quantities at competitive prices.
Shatavari increases the production of prolactin, a hormone that is important for breastfeeding. Hormone balancing. Shatavari has been used to attempt to treat conditions related to hormone imbalance such as polycystic ovarian syndrome ( PCOS) and infertility. Reduce symptoms of menopause.
Is Shatavari good for females? Yes, shatavari benefits for women include better reproductive health, balanced hormones, and pain relief during menstruation. But that's not all. This herb can also boost immunity and slow down signs of premature ageing.
The recommended quantity of Shatavari churna is 1-2g twice a day. But since the herb had Guru guna ( heavy quality), excess intake might cause abdominal heaviness and stomach discomfort. Hence, it is advisable to consult an ayurvedic doctor before taking this medication.
Botanical extracts are the secret ingredients lo the wondrous beauty products specifically skin and hair care products. It is the presence of botanical extracts that makes these products so indispensable to the customer. Our botanical Products are 100% natural and are a healthy natural alternative to some of the synthetic ingredients currently in use.
All our botanical extracts are powdered and can b made oil or water-soluble, as required.