New & Refurbished Systems Available!!!
We Offer New, Used, And Refurbished CT Scanners.
We Also Offer Installation And Inspection Services.
Siemens, Ge, Hitachi, Toshiba, Philips And Many More!!!
4 octane, console S/N: 273425CN9, gantry slices:3, 728, 938 March 2010 tube, mas 30.849.820.5, gantry covers, S/W version 2.4.2_h2.4m5, 48cm phantom, 35cm phantom, phantom holder, cradle extender, axil hh, coronal hh, mod’s, mod drive, cables, manuals, monitors Options:reformat, auto ma, power 440, thin twin helical, helical tilt, recon plus, navigator, 3d, smart speed, smart prep.
Easy to handle Standard Lot Size
Toshiba Activion CT Scanner Year: 2010 Tube 2024 Slice Time: 740950.5 Exp Count: 500049 Deinstallation In End Of July 2024
GE Brivo385 Year of Manufacture: 2014 Tube Changed on 29th January, 2023 Only 76,006.6 scan sec. as of 20th June, 2024.
NeuViz 128 CT NeuViz 128 comes with advanced technology, optimizes the traditional procedure, and brings more convenient man-machine interaction experiences,delivering a revolutionary impact on the CT industry
Toshiba Aquilion CX Year: 2009 Air cooling Gantry Model: CGGT-012A Tube Model: MCS-7078D Tube Date: Sep 2014 Gantry Slice: 630108/Tube Slice: 1153533 Fully Functional
Siemens Definition AS128 Year: 2010 Water cooling system Tube Model: Straton MX Tube year: 12/2021 Tube Counts: 266030 Patient Table model: PHS3 Workstation Model: Celsius M470â??2 Power/ software version: Syngo CT2012BVA44A
Siemens Definition Flash CT Scanner 2012 It has 2 tubes: Tube 1 Tube Scan seconds: 259,520 Tube Year: 2021 Tube 2 Tube Scan seconds: 50,660 Tube Year: 2021 Tube Model: STRATON MX P Software Version: VA48A