POPQUEBRACHO ATO G is a powder product obtained by chemicallly treating natural quebracho extract in order to achieve full cold water solubility and containing the largest tannin percentage among vegetable extracts. It is normal spray-dried extract. It is excellent for drum tannage and also for the retannage of chrome leather.
Typical Analysis :
Physical Aspect : Light reddish brown hygroscopic powder.
PCP : Free
Tannins % : 70% + 1
Non Tannins % : 20.0% +2.0
Moisture : 8.0% Maximum
pH ( 1:10 soln.) : 4.7-5.3
Ash % : 6.8%+0.5
Insolubles : 0.5%
Properties :
POPQUEBRACHO ATO G is fully soluble in cold water. It has the following characteristics for vegetable tannage :
High tannin content.
Quick penetration at natural pH.
Excellent tanning properties.
Uniform quality.
Not dusty.
Non astringent.
Good weight yield.
Full compatibility with vegetable tans and syntans.
It is particularly suitable for vegetable tanning of all kinds of leather, as well as for combined tanning and chrome leather retannage.
For retannage of chrome leather POPQUEBRACHO ATO G permits :
Better buffing properties.
Excellent polish effect.
Bellies and flanks fillings.
To keep embossing effect.
Applications :
POPQUEBRACHO ATO G may be used alone or blended with other vegetable extracts. The following use is recommended :
Based on limed weight :
25-30% of POPQuebracho ATO G for vachetta tannage ( veg. Leather ).
40% of POPQuebracho ATO G for soles tannage.
Based on shaved weight :
3-18% of POPQuebracho ATO G for chrome leather retannage.
Recommendations :
During the leather production, there may be a risk of iron contamination. In order to prevent this, we suggest to use an iron sequestering agent such as Pop DS Powder ( 0.2% on the reference weight), which may be added together with the first addition of tanning agents on the tanning or retanning processes.
Powder extract dissolution should be performed by means of mechanical shaking. If done manually, it is advisable to work by dissolving the contents of each bag. The use of water at 35 �?�ºC facilities dissolution and prevents lump formation.
Using small amounts of sodium metabisulfite and formic acid in tanning liquors and processes lightens the colour and improves the appearance of the end-products.
POPQUEBRACHO ATO G maintains its characteristics unchanged if properly stored in dry premises protected from sunlight in closed bags.