Mica is a common rock forming mineral and is found in igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Mica is dry milled muscovite mica with high brightness and high purity. Mica possesses high reflective and refractive index imparting natural pearl-like luster and magical gloss with abundant fascinating colors and enticing appearance. This product has an exceptional platy structure with a very high aspect ratio, achieved by meticulous care and precaution is taken during production to avoid deterioration of its natural brilliance, color and properties. Dry Ground Mica Powder is screened to the required mesh size.
Mica is a group of naturally occurring minerals known for their ability to split into thin, flexible layers. It is commonly used in various industries due to its insulating properties, heat resistance, and electrical conductivity. Mica is often found in shades of silver, gold, and brown and is used in products like cosmetics, paints, electronics, and construction materials. It also serves as a dielectric material in electrical applications and as a filler in plastic and rubber manufacturing.
Mica is a group of silicate minerals commonly used in various industries, including cosmetics and skincare products. Our high-quality, ethically sourced mica offers customizable grades and a radiant shimmer, perfect for enhancing cosmetics, skincare products, and industrial applications, making it an ideal choice for brands seeking both performance and sustainability.
Mica is a hydrated phyllosilicate mineral of aluminium and potassium with formula KAl(F, OH), or (KF) (AlO) (SiO). Muscovite can be cleaved into very thin transparent sheets that can substitute for glass, particularly for high-temperature applications such as industrial furnace or oven windows. It is also used in the manufacture of a wide variety of electronics and as a filler in paints, plastic, and wallboard. Our monthly supply of these mineral ranges from 1000-2000MT.