Selection of Normal or medium wet blue cow hides:
Grade selection = TR,IV,V
Run selection, NO low grade
Size = 20 square ft up to 29 soft
Average size = 24-25 sqft
Thickness = 3MM
Asking CIF price = USD 0.85/sqft
Selection of Large wet blue cow hides:
Grade/selection = TR,IV,V
Run selection, NO low grade
Size = 30 square ft plus
Average size = 32-33 sqft
Thickness = 3MM
Asking CIF price = USD 0.95/sqft
Selection of calf wet blue cow hides:
Grade/selection = TR,IV,V
Run Selection NO low grade
Size = 12 sqft+ up to 19.5 sqft
Average size = 17-18 Sqft
Selection of Wet Blue Goat Skins:
Selection = TR/,I,/V Where as:
Grade = TR - 20%
Grade = IV - 40%
Grade = V - 40%
Size : Small = 5% 3.0 sqft - 3.5 sqft
Medium = 50% 4.0 sqft - 4.5 sqft
Large = 30% 4.5 sqft - 5 sqft
Extra Large = 15% 5sqft and above
Average sqft per piece = 4.5 sqft
Average sqft per dozen = 53-56 sqft
Asking CIF Price - $56/dozen
Selection of Wet Blue Sheep skins:
Selection = TR/,I,/V Where as:
Grade = TR - 20%
Grade = IV - 40%
Grade = V - 40%
Size : Small = 5% 3.0 sqft - 3.5 sqft
Medium = 50% 4.0 sqft - 4.5 sqft
Large = 30% 4.5 sqft - 5 sqft
Extra Large = 15% 5sqft and above
Average sqft per piece = 4.5 sqft
Average sqft per dozen = 53-56 sqft
Asking CIF Price - $45/dozen
We offer dry and wet cow skin hide for sale within European communities and world wide for sale.We offer wet salted cow skin hide and wet blue cow skin hides within European Market and World wide for the production of leather shoes,belt,handbags and others.
Full substance, unsplitted
100% machine flayed
No ticks, no scratches, no humps
Size: 28 sq.ft. and Up, Avg 35/37 sq.ft. per hide
Average size: size 37 sqft
Thickness: 2 to 3 mm
Weight: 15 to 25kg
Average weight: 17to 23 per Hide
Selection: 80% A/B, 20% C/D
Male 75% / Female 25%