MILDOWN (Bacillus subtilis 2% A.S) Liquid
CFU - 2 X 108 per ml
Packaging : 250ml, 500ml, 1litr, 20litr
Documents: MSDS / LABEL / CIB Registration License / COA / Trial reports
Mode of Action : Bacillus subtilis is a rhizospheree and phyllosphere colonizing bacterium. These are proven bacterial and fungal antagonize that protect plants from diseases. They are able to control several soil borne, seed borne and air borne crop diseases caused by fungus belong to deuteromycetes, oomycetes, ascomycetes and bacterial plant pathogens. Because Bacillus subtilis forms spores, pesticide products containing this bacturanium are stable. Therefore, even if treated seeds are stored for prolonged period, the bacteria stay alive and then grow and multiply after the seeds are planted.
Bacterial and fungal antagonism is due to nutrient composition on the site of exclusion, colonization of bacteria on fungal pathogen and release of cell content during growth to eliminate the fungal pathogen in immediate environment. It also induces plant natural systematic resistance against bacterial and fungal pathogen known as (SAR) Systematic Acquired Resistance.
Growth Promotion Activity :Bacillus subtilis produce growth promoting substances thereby increase sprouting rate of seed and growth of seedlings and plant.
Target Crops :Cotton, Pea, Beans, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Tomato, Cucurbits, Potato, Mango, Ber, Grapes, Citrus, Ginger, Cereal, Pomegranate, Apple, Peach, Plum, Banana, Tea, Coffee, Plantation crop, and Cumin, Medicinal & Aromatic crops and Fruits & Vegetable crops.
Target Disease :Mildown controls disease causing pathogenic species like Pythium, Alternaria, Xanthomonas, Rhizoctonia, Botrytis, Scelerotiana, Phytopthora which cause diseases such as root rot, root wilt, seedling rot, early blight, leaf spot, stem rot and mildew diseases in crops.
Method of Application and Dosage :
Seed treatment :Mix 7.5 - 10 ml MILDOWN in 50ml water and applied on 1 kg of seed for proper coating. Shades dry the seeds for about 20-30 minutes before sowing.
Seedlings Treatment :Mix 250 ml MILDOWN in 50 litr of water then dip seedling roots for about half an hour in the suspension and transplant immediately.
Nursery seed bed preparation Mix 250 ml MILDOWN in 50 ltr of water and drench in 400 nursery bed area.
Mix 250 ml MILDOWN in 10 kg of FYM/compost/ Vermi compost/field soil and incorporate in 400 area and incorporate up to 15-20 cm depth.
Drip Irrigation :Mix 250 ml MILDOWN in 100 litr of water and drench the soil near the root and collar region up to 15 -20 cm depth.
Compatibility :