Guar meal is one of the bye-product of milling of Guar Gum seed and it can be partially substitute Soyabean meal and utilized as an animal feed ingredients. When mixed with feed formulation, guar meal can be used 5 to 7% for total feed production in layers and broiler and for growers it can be 5-12%.
Specification :
Attributes Values
Protein : max 50%
Oil : max 4%
Fibre : max 12%
Ash : max 5%
Moisture : max 10%
Analaysis of Amino acids
Lysine : 2.56%
Methio+cystine : 1%
Arginine : 9.96%
Glysine+serine : 2.56%
Isoleucine : 26.85%
Phenylalanine : 3.47%
Aspartic acid : 4.55%
Proline : 13.01%
Tyrosine : 6.3%
Methionine : 2.96%
Glycine : 5.85%
Histidine : 3.75%
Leucine : 2.40
Valine : 2.54%
Glutamic acid : 9.24%
Alanine :1.60%
Triptophan : 0.52%