Cotton Seed Cakes/Cotton Seed Meal
ottonseed meal/cake is the by-product of oil extraction from cotton seeds. A protein-rich feed, cottonseed meal is a common source of protein for ruminants, notably in cotton-producing areas such as India, China and the USA, where it is used as a partial substitute for soybean meal.Cottonseed meal is valued as a protein feed, but the protein content is highly variable as it depends on the amount of dehulling and on the efficiency of oil extraction. The range of protein content goes from 30 % DM for non-dehulled cottonseed meal to up to 50 % DM for fully dehulled meals. Lower and higher values than these extrema have also been recorded. The fibre content varies accordingly, from 25 % (non-dehulled) to 5 % (fully dehulled) crude fibre. The various methods used for oil extraction also explain the large range of residual oil present in cottonseed meal. Some solvent-extracted meals contain less than 2 % oil, like the other major oilseed meals, but many cottonseed meals contain higher oil values, often in the 5-10 % range but sometimes over 20 %. The cottonseed meal protein is less rich in lysine than soybean meal (4 % *vs* 6 % of the protein) and since the protein content is generally lower, the total content in lysine and essential amino acids is lower for cottonseed meal.
We supply Cotton Seed By Products for animal feed. Details as follow ; 1. Product and Spec (1) Cotton Seed Meal Dry Matter 94.0% ~ 92.0% Crude Protein : Min 38% Sand Silica :Max 2.5% Fiber :Max 12% Fat: 4.5% ~ 1.5% Crude Fiber: 12.5% ~ 12.5% AFLATOXIN (B1, B2, G1, G2): 20PPB MAX (2) Cotton Seed Hull Crude Protein: 3 8% Crude Fiber: 30 48 % Crude Ash: 8% MAX. Moisture: 12% MAX Oil Content : 2% MAX Sand Silica: 1.5% MAX (3) Cotton Seed Cake Crude Protein: 25 % Crude Fiber: 26 ~27 % Crude Ash: 8% MAX. Moisture : 9 ~ 10% MAX Oil Content : 6 ~7% MAX Sand Silica: 2.5% MAX Color : Greenish Yellow AFLATOXIN (B1, B2, G1, G2): 20PPB MAX 2. Shipment: Prompt 3. Origin and Loading Port: India, India Main Port 4. Quantity : Cotton Seed Hull : 1,000MT per Month Cotton Seed Meal : 1,000MT per Month Cotton Seed Cake : 2,000MT per Month 6. Package: 25KG, 50KG PP Bag and Stuffed in Containers 7. Delivery term: CNF Korea / China / Japan Port 8. Payment :TT L/C If interested, please contact me !
Premium Quality White Cotton Seed Oil Cake, Cotton Seed Meal, Cotton Seed Hull/Raw Cotton/Cotton Linter used as animal feed, mushroom beddings or organic fertilizer DESCRIPTION We have Premium Quality White Cotton Seed Oil Cake, Cotton Seed Meal, Cotton Seed Hull/Raw Cotton/Cotton Linter. Cotton seed hulls are waste of cotton seed and they are used as animal feed & as for Mushroom Beddings in different parts of the world. Specifications; Product: cotton seed hull, Moisture -10-12%, min (+/-2%),, Oil content-2-4%, Protein content:3-4%, Sand& silica: 2-3%;, Crop: new year, Origin: Germany and UK. Cotton Seed Oil CakeAVAILABLE Cotton Seed MealAVAILABLE Cotton Seed HullAVAILABLE Raw Cotton AVAILABLE Cotton LinterA VAILABLE
Leading Cotton Seed Oil Cake Manufacturers, Suppliers & Exporters From India Cotton seeds oil cakes are made from cottonseed after extracting oil from them. this way it is a residual part of cotton seed with the availability of oil content. cottonseed oil cake results when raw cotton goes for ginning process after gin its separate cotton linter from its seed. then after cottonseed goes in oil mil for removing oil from it. after removing oil from the seed some part remains residual which is called cotton seed oil cake. cotton seed cakes are the semi solid material that remains after extracting the oil from the cotton seeds. cotton seed cake is used for cattle feed which is good source of nutrition for cattle. our cottonseed oil cake contains a large amount of protein, oil which makes it highly desirable for animal feed in india. we manufacture and export cotton seed oil cake is the best quality available in the market. these products are also known as cattle feed â??kholâ??. the offered range contains rich content of oil and seed crush material. these products are hygienically processed and are free from any kind of contamination. we have very good quality cottonseed oil cake in large quantities. our company is situated at that area where cotton is producing in enormous quantity. Cotton Seed Oil Cake Specifications: PROPERTIES VALUES & LIMITS Product Type: Cotton Seed Oil Cake Protein: Around 22% - 25% Place of Origin: India Use: Animal Feed Moisture: Less than 5% Protein: Around 22% - 25% Color: Natural Green Packaging Details: TYPES OF BAGS QUANTITY PP Bag 25 & 50 KG in New PP Bag As Per Customer Requirement Container Capacity: TYPE OF CONTAINER QUANTITY 20 FT Container 15-18 Metric Tons 40 FT Container 27 Metric Tons
Cotton seed oil cake is made from cotton seed after extracted oil from it. This way it is residual part of cotton seed with available of oil content. Raw cotton goes for ginning process after gin its separate cotton linter from its seed. Cotton seed goes in oil mill for removing oil from it. After removing oil from seed some part remains residual its call cotton seed oil cake. We have very good quality of cotton seed oil cake in large quantity. Cotton seed oil cake is very useful for as a feed for cattle. Some time it is useful as an organic fertilizer for soil health to get more crops. Cotton seed cakes are the semi solid material that remains after extracting the oil from the cotton seeds. Cotton seed cake is used for cattle feed which is good source of nutrition for cattle. Our cottonseed oil cake contains a large amount of protein, oil which makes it highly desirable for animal feed in India. We manufacture and export Cotton Seed Oil Cake is the best quality available in the market. Specification of Cotton oil Seed Cake: Product Type Animal Feed Use Cattle Admixture (%) None Moisture (%) Less than 5% Grade Premium Packaging 25kg/bag , 50kg/bag Place of Origin � EU Brand Name Custom Model Number CustomKGC-COS-1 Protein Around 22% â?? 25% Fat i.e Oil Content 5 % to 7% Sand Silica Less than 1.5 % Grade Premium Aflatoxin Below 5.0mcg Color Natural Green Container of Cotton Oil Seed Cake: Type Of Container Quantity 20' Fcl 15 to 18 MT
Cotton Seed Oil Cake Specifications: PROPERTIES VALUES & LIMITS Product Type: Cotton Seed Oil Cake Protein: Around 22% - 25% Place of Origin: India Use: Animal Feed Moisture: Less than 5% Protein: Around 22% - 25% Color: Natural Green Packaging Details: TYPES OF BAGS QUANTITY PP Bag 25 & 50 KG in New PP Bag - As Per Customer Requirement Container Capacity: TYPE OF CONTAINER QUANTITY 20' FT Container 15-18 Metric Tons 40' FT Container 27 Metric Tons
Quality White Cotton Seed Oil Cake Cotton Seed Meal Cotton Seed COTTONSEED MEAL Description Cottonseed meal is a high protein by-product from the extraction of oil from whole cottonseed. There are two different processing methods used to extract the oil from the cottonseed, and they differ in the amount of oil (fat) they leave in the meal. The amount of oil left in the meal affects its energy value. Cottonseed meal is palatable and commonly is used in cattle rations in the southern and western U.S. Solvent extracted cottonseed meal is the more common of the two types and has about 89 percent of the energy value of 44 percent protein soybean meal. Cottonseed meal contains gossypol. Under typical conditions, though, even high-producing cows will not consume enough cottonseed meal to suffer from gossypoltoxicity. Cottonseed meal is used as a protein supplement and can replace all of the soybean meal in the ration
The primary economic value of the cotton plant comes from its fibers, which are obtained from the seed hairs, known as cotton lint. Cotton is a major global fiber crop, and the lint is used to produce textiles and a wide range of cotton-based products. Cotton fibers are valued for their strength, length, and versatility in the textile industry.
Sunflower Seed Cake Meal De-oiled Cake Meal Animal Feed Grade Our company sells sunflower cake for animal feed for export. Shipping in containers and in bulk by ship parties. Protein content - from 36 to 39 %. Flexible payment terms, can arrange shipment. Specification of sunflower cake meal: Protein, min %: 36 - 39 (depending on grade) Mousture, max %: 11 - 12 Fiber, max %: 18 - 25 Oil content, min %: 1 - 3