These grades are comprised of phenolic resin binder and insulating kraft paper substrate.
These are general purpose grades with superior electrical, mechanical properties, and easy to machine.
They are widely used for electrical & mechanical parts, such as switchboards, panel boards, insulating washers, bushing, punched component, etc.
1) Grade: X/XX/XP/ XPC
2) Color: Brown; Orange; Black
3) Thickness range: 0.5mm to 100mm.
4) Sheet Size: 1020*1220mm; 1020*2040mm; 1220*2440mm
5) Min. Order Quantity: 500 kgs in a lot.
Origin: Japan
Material: PP Sheet In Roll Natural
Category: PP
Type: Sheet In Roll
Color: Natural
Quantity: 22 Tons
Loading weight: 22 Tons
Specification: "Early/Mid Dec. shipment.
Packing will be in Bulk & Fle-con bag.
After container scaling, fle-con bag x 3 kg will be deducted to calculate the net weight.
The paper core weight will not be deducted."