Material Construction of Motor
Part NameMaterial
ShaftSS 431 / SS 410
Bearing BushLeaded Tin Bronze
Thrust BearingS.S. / Carbon
Lower/Upper HousingCast Iron
Stator ShellStainless Steel (Heavy Duty)
Material Construction of Pump
Part NameMaterial
Impeller/DiffuserSS 410 / Cast Iron
Bearing BushLeaded Tin Bronze
Pump ShaftS.S 202
Suction Casing / NRVCast Iron
Strainer / Cable GuardStainless Steel
Stage CasingCast Iron
Operating Limits
Power Range5.0 H.P.
(180 /240 V, 50 Hz. AC single phase)
5.0 to 10.0 H.P.
(350 /415 V, 50 Hz. AC Three phase)
Speed2850 RPM
Max. Discharge700 LPM
Min. Discharge300 LPM
Max. Head275 Ft.
Per stage Head33 Ft.
Special features :
Lower Power Consumption
Sand Fighter Model
Long durability due to complete SS Motor body
With stand with wide voltage fluctuation
Specially Designed for high discharge
Excellent performance even at low voltage