Ranger guard has got contact and curative action covering over a number of bacterial and fungal infections on plants.
Ranger guard is a one-stop solution for blights (late & early), leaf-spots, black spots, scabs, powdery mildew, cankers, stem & fruit rots, rust, fusarium, etc.
Ranger guard can be applied for crops of cotton, tea, coffee, tomato, chillies, bitter gourd, cucumber, & all vine family vegetables & crops, fruits, strawberries, flowers, etc.
Ranger guard is highly effective, safe for environment and economical for use.
Friendly pest of farmers are not affected by the use of ranger guard.
We also offer liquid formulated ranger guard.
50 gms, 100 gms, 250 gms pouch packing and
Bulk packing available for repackers, direct marketers and b2b sales 50 kg drum / bag.