MS3580 provides retailers with industry leading omnidirectional scan performance and optional single-line scanning in a convenient size. The small footprint and numerous stand options for MS3580 minimize required counter space, increasing available room for merchandise and advertisement displays.
Aggressive first-pass scanning increases customer satisfaction and employee efficiency by reducing checkout time. The targeted single-line scan mode saves time and reduces unwanted scans on menu-style codes using Metrologic’s patented Codegate® technology. A rugged, rubber housing provides the necessary protection against daily operational use.
Barcode scanner, laser barcode scanner, CCD barcode reader, barcode printer, Label printer,. thermal barcode printer, portable data terminal, portable barcode Collector, ribbon, label
Features: Benefits
Omnidirectional/Single-line mode: Alternate between 20 scan lines for omnidirectional scanning and a single scan line for menu scanning.
Sleep Mode with IR wake-up : Multiple sleep modes reduce power consumption, extending life and lowering cost of operation.
Small footprint: Keeps valuable counter space clear.
Optional stands: Customize the height of the scanner for unique applications.
OPOS and JPOS system compatible: QuantumT ® is compatible with systems running the popular industry standards.
Quick Specs:
Depth of Scan Field: (programmable) : 25 mm - 280 mm (1” - 11”) for 0.33 mm (13 mil) bar code at default setting
Width of Field: 30 mm (1.2”) @ 25 mm (1"); 150 mm (5.9”) @ 280 mm (11”)
Scan Speed: Omnidirectional: 1650 scan lines/sec; Raster: 320 scan lines/sec; Single-line: 80 scan lines/sec
Minimum Bar Width: 0.127 mm (5 mil)
System Interfaces: RS232, Light Pen Emulation, Keyboard Wedge, Stand Alone Keyboard, IBM 468x/469X, USB , Laser Emulation, OCIA.
Light Source: Visible Laser Diode 650 nm.