-MPORE UF Membranes are made from top grade PVDF material, which provides excellent durability and resistance against breakage, even with periodic cleaning procedures to remove fouling.
-Blending technology from Germany MPOREú¡Higher strength
Patented blending technology improves the tensile strength and pressure resistance of UF membrane, which can adapt the turbid operational state and cleaning condition. It solves problems of other PVDF membranes being with low tensile strength and pressure resistance.
-UF PVDF membrane has higher filtration finenessú¡Better permeate water quality
With a nominal pore diameter of 0.03 ª¦m, UF technology effectively removes pathogens, most viruses and bacteria. In addition, the membraneí»s high porosity allows high flux operation at a given transmembrane pressure (TMP).
-Highly hydrophilic membrane materialú¡ Advanced technology of modification
Patented technology of modification improves hydrophilicity of UF membrane so as to increase its ability of anti- fouling.