1. Cas no. : 72178-02-0
2. Common name: fomesafen
3. Commodity name: flex, fomesafen
4. Chemical name: 5-(2-chloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy-n-(methyl sulphonyl)-2-nitrobenzamide.
5. Molecular formula: c15h10clf3n2o6s
6. Structural formula:
7. Physico-chemical properties: the pure product is white crystal.Melting point:220-221.Vapour pressure:0.1íß10-3pa(at 50).Dissolved in a variety of organic solvent.The solubility of water is according to ph.The solubility in water is more than 10gm/l, when ph is between 1-2, the solubility in water is more than 600g/l when ph is 7.
Purityí²% 97.0min
Ph scope 2.0-5.0
Heating lossín% 1.0
Package 25kgs/drum
Sun Pesticides PVT. LTD. ACEPHATE 75% SP Insecticide is an effective solution for controlling fire ants. The active ingredient, acephate, is a water-soluble insecticide that is readily absorbed by plant roots and foliage. It provides systemic control of feeding insects. When applied, it is ingested by pests rather than relying solely on contact.
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% WP(Rudra) is very effective, crops protective and curative fungicides. It successfully control of blast disease of paddy, leaf spot and blast disease of groundnut, early blight, late blight, black scurf of potato, blister blight, grey blight, red rust, die back & black rot or tea crop. Product Name:- Carbendazim 12%+ Mancozeb 63% WP Model Name:- Rudra Product Category:- Systemic and Contact Fungicide Crops:- Potato, Tea, Paddy, groundnut Direction of Use:- Spray by using high volume sprayer viz. Kmapsack sprayer. Time of Application:- The product should be sprayed immediately on appearance of disease symptoms. As per recommendation, mix the pesticides and water at right dosage and spray.Before spraying the pesticides, It's suspension should be mixed well by a wooden stick. Precaution:- 1) Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals feed. 2)Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3) Avoid inhalation of the spary mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4) Wash throughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5) Do not smoke, drink eat and chew anything while spraying. 6) Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying. Packing Size :- 100gm,250gm,500gm,1kg,5kg,10kg
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product DELTAMETHRIN 2.5% W.P (SUN DELTA) is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, woth long lasting, residual effectiveness against weevils, moths, beetles and other insect pests of stored grains/ seeds. * Caution :- It is toxic to honey bees, spray application should be avoided during the foraging period of bees. Product Name:- DELTAMETHRIN 2.5% W.P Model Name:- SUN DELTA Product Category:- ( Insecticide) Crops:- (Grains and seeds in stacks, (Grains and seeds in stacks), Mosquito, Wwalls ceillings & floors of godowns, Wheat & rice Direction of Use:- Single application of Deltamethrin 2.5% WP at recommended dosage protects the grains/seeds for a period of 6-12 months depending on the surfaces treated. PP Equipment : Knapsack sprayer / Compresion knapsack sprayer / Stirrup pump Precaution:- 1. Keep away from foodstuffs, empty foodstuff containers and animals food. 2. Avoid contact with mouth, eyes and skin. 3. Avoid inhalation the spray mist. Spray in the direction of wind. 4 . Wash thoroughly the contaminated clothes and parts of the body after spraying. 5. Do not smoke, drink, eat and chew anything while spraying. 6. Wear full protective clothing while mixing and spraying. Packing Size :- 100gm,250gm,500gm,1kg,5kg,10kg
Sun Pesticides Pvt Ltd Product Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% w/w SC (COROSUN). Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% w/w SC (20% w/v) is a novel substitute anthranilamide insecticides. It is a board spectrum insecticide and is recommended for controlling pests of Rice, Cabbage, Cotton, Sugarcane, Tomato, Chilli, Soybean, Brinjal, pigean pea (Red gram), Bengal gram, black gram, bittergourd , okra, Maize and Groundnut crop. Product Name:- Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% w/w SC Model Name:- COROSUN Product Category:- (Insecticide) Crops:- Bengal gram, Bittergourd, Black Gram, Brinjal, Cabbage, Chilli, Cotton, Groundnut, Maize, Okra, Pigeon pea, Rice, Soybean, Sugarcane, Tomato Direction of Use : (Method and Time of application) Sugarcane: Sett Drenching/ Soil Drenching in the sugarcane crop for control of termites and early shoot borer and Top borer. The application fro the control of 3rd, 4th and 5th brood of Top borer in sugarcane, should be done as Soil drenching in the month of june Other crops (Rice, cotton, cabbage, tomato,chilli, soybean, brinjal, pigeonpea,bengal gram, black gram, bittergourd, okra) use as foliar spray at ETL of the pest population using knapsack sprayer. Precaution:- 1. leaflet carefully, Save the container with the label to the show the physician in case of accidental poisoning. Read and follow all instructions on the label and 2. Do not inhale the contents. Wear rubber gloves, goggles facemask and protective clothing while handling. Avoid remaining in the drift of spray by applying the insecticide with the wind. 3. Do not eat, drink, smoke or chew betel leaves while spraying. 4. Do not fill the spray tank beyond 3/4th of its capacity. Clean the blocked nozzle by a thin wire or pin never by blowing the same. 5. In case of any spillage on the body, it should be washed with plenty of water. 6. Always change clothing and take bath as soon as the insecticide treatment is over. 7. Wash hands and unprotected parts of the body before eating, drinking or smoking and after handling. 8. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse. 9. Call a physician immediately if any poisoning appear in a person who is using or has recently used this insecticide. Packing Size :- 100mL, 250mL, 500mL, 1L, 5L, 10L
Acephate 75% SP Acetamiprid 20% SP Buprofezin 25% SC Cartap Hydrochloride 4% GR Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP Chlorpyrifos 50% E.C. Chlorpyriphos 20%E.C Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC Cypermethrin 10% E.C. Cypermethrin 25% E.C. Diafenthiuron 50% WP Emamectin Benzoate 1.5% + Fipronil 3.5% SC for indigenous Emamectin Benzoate 1.9% EC Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG Ethion 50% EC Fipronil 0.3% G.R. Fipronil 5% SC Fipronil 80% WG Imidacloprid 17.8% SL Imidacloprid 30.5% SC Imidacloprid 70% WG Indoxacarb 14.5% SC Indoxacarb 15.8% EC Lambdacyhalothrin 10% WP Lambda-cyhalothrin 4.9% Capsule Suspension Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC. Neem extract concentrate containing Azadirachtin-5% w/w min. Neem Kernel Based EC Containing Azadirachtin 0.3% w/w min.(3000 PPM) Neem Oil Based EC containing Azadirachtin 0.03% ( 300 PPM) Min. Neem Seed Kernel Based EC containing AZADIRACHTIN 0.15% EC (1500 ppm) min Neem Seed Kernel Based EC Containing Azadirachtin- 1% (10000 ppm) min. Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4%E.C. Profenophos 50% EC Quinalphos 25% EC Thiamethoxam 25% WG Thiamethoxam 30% FS Thiamethoxam 70 % W.S THIAMETHOXAM 75% w/w SG Alphacypermethrin 10% EC Bifenthrin 10% EC w/w Deltamethrin 11% w/w EC Deltamethrin 2.8% EC Difenoconazole 25% EC Difenoconazole 3% WS Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG Permethrin - 25% EC Pyriproxyfen 10% + Bifenthrin 10% w/w EC for indigenous manufacture Pyriproxyfen 10% EC Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda-Cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC for indigenous manufacture Gibberellic Acid 0.001% L Triacontanol GR 0.05% Min.
Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% w/w SC Azoxystrobin 23% SC for indigenous manufacture Captan 50% W.P. Captan 70%+ Hexaconazole 5% WP Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP Carbendazim 50% WP Copper Oxychloride containing copper contents 50.00% w/w WP Hexaconazole 5% EC Hexaconazole 5% SC Hexaconazole 75% WG Metalaxyl 35% W.S. Propiconazole 25% E.C Sulphur 80% W.P Sulphur 80% WDG Sulphur 85% D.P. Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP Tricyclazole 70% WG Tricyclazole 75% W.P. Validamycin 3% L Mancozeb 75 % WP Mancozeb 75% WG Tebuconazole 10% + Sulphur 65% WG Tebuconazole 25.9% E.C.
Bio-Fungicide SANJEEVNI (Trichoderma Viride 1% W.P) W.P. CFU - 2 X 109 per gram Packaging : 250gm, 500gm, 1kg, 25kg Documents : MSDS / LABEL / CIB Registration License / COA / Trial reports Mode of Action : The hyphae of Trichoderma wrap around the pathogen fungi and produce antibiotics and extracellular enzymes, which lyses the cell wall of these pathogens that damage them. The invading fungus eventually collapse and disintegrates. Effective Against Diseases : It is a natural bio-fungicide, highly effective in controlling wide range of soil borne crops disease caused by Fusarium, Charcoal rot, Black scurf, Karnal bunt, Silver leaf of plum & peach, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Schlerolims, Verticillium, Alternaria, fungal pathogen. Target Crops : Cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds , Cotton, Capsicum, Chilies, Cauliflower, Brinjal, Tomato, Potato, Onion, Peas, Beans, Ginger, Turmeric, Cardamom, Tea, Coffee and Fruits crop- Apple, Citrus, Grape , Pomegranate , Banana etc. Method of Application and Dosage : Seed Treatment - Mix 8 10 gm. SANJEEVNI in 50 ml. of water and applied on 1 kg of seed uniformly. Shade dry the seeds for 20 30 minutes before sowing Seedlings Treatment Dissolve 500 gm. W.P SANJEEVNI in 50 lit. of water, Dip seedling roots for about half an hour in the suspension and transplant immediately. Nursery seed bed Treatment Mix 500 gm SANJEEVNI in 10 kg of well decomposed FYM/Compost/Vermi compost and broadcast in 400 Sq.mt. area and incorporate in soil up to 15 20 cm depth. Soil Drenching Through Drip Irrigation Mix 1. 2 kg W.P SANJEEVNI in 100 lit. of water and drench the soil in 1 acre. Horticulture crops Mix 25 50 gm. SANJEEVNI per plant in sufficient quantity of well decomposed FYM/Vermi compost/Compost/field soil and apply the mixture in effective root zone of fruit tree. Compatibility : Compatible with organic manures and bio-fertilizers. Don’t mix with chemical fungicides. It can be used alternatively with insecticides & bactericide. Growth Promotion Activity : Suppress soil borne diseases caused by pathogens and promote seed germination and plant growth.
Bio-Fungicide. PHASAL RAKSHAK (Pseudomonas fluorescens 1% W.P) W.P CFU - 2 X 109 per gram Packaging : 250gm, 500gm, 1kg, 25kg Documents: MSDS / LABEL / CIB Registration License / COA / Trial reports Mode of Action : Pseudomonas fluorescens is found to suppress the soil borne diseases caused by pathogens they are well adopted in soil and foliar spray, enhance plant growth and yield and reduced severity of diseases. Pseudomonas are antagonistic to foliar or rhizospheree bacteria and fungi through the production of siderophores and antibiotics. They help in uptake of nutrient and also produce plant growth promoting substances. Iron chelating siderophore antibiotic, hydrogen cyanide and lytic enzymes (Cellulase, Chitnase and protease) produced by pseudomonas are directly involved in the reduction of plant pathogen and induce plant resistance. Target Crops: Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Pulses, Oil seeds, Cotton, Tomato, Chilly, Capsicum, Chilies, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Cucurbits, Beans, Pea, Cardamom, Apple, Grapes, Citrus, Mango, Guava, Papaya, Pomegranate, Cumin, Ginger, Tea and Plantation crops. Target Diseases : Highly effective to control the Root rot, Stem rot, Collar Rot, Wilt, Blights, Leaf spots, Anthracnose, Alternaria and Downy & W.P.y mildews crop diseases. Method of Application and Dosage : Seed Treatment :Mix 8 -10 gm. PHASAL RAKSHAK In 50 ml of water and applied on 1 kg of seed uniformly. Shade dry the seeds for 20 -30 minutes before sowing. Seedlings Treatment : Dissolve 500 gm. W.P PHASAL RAKSHAK in 50 lit. of water, Dip seedling root for about half an hour in The suspension and transplant immediately. Nursery Seed Bed Preparation : Mix 500 gm. PHASAL RAKSHAK in 10 kg of well decomposed FYM/compost/Vermicompost and broadcast in 400 Sq.mt. areas, incorporate in soil up to15 -20 cm depth. Drip Irrigation : Mix 1 -2 kg W.P PHASAL RAKSHAK in 100 lit. of water and drench the soil in 1 acre Horticulture/Vegetable Crops Mix 500 gm. W.P PHASAL RAKSHAK in 100 lit .of water and drench the soil near the root zone up to 15 -20 cm depth for collar rot control with high volume sprayer without Nozzler or big Nozzler. Mix 25 -50 gm. PHASAL RAKSHAK per plant in sufficient quantity of FYM/Vermin compost/Soil of the field and broadcast in the active root zone of the fruit crop. Compatibility : Compatible with organic manures and bio-fertilizers Don’t mix with chemical Antibiotic It can be used alternatively with insecticides& fungicides Avoid mixing with Bordeaux mixture, antibiotic and streptocycling