Lambton machinery counterflow process is the refined technology of exposing processed product to an upward moving stream of ambient airflow. The cooler works on the principal of blowing air through columns of hot & moist pellets, which results in evaporation of moisture from the pellets. For moisture evaporation, heat is taken from the pellets leading to cooling of pellets. The product just entering at the top of the cooling chamber is exposed to the warmest air available within the cooler minimizing temperature shock. The product exiting the bottom of the unit is cooled to within 5-10ípof the ambient air temperature. The product and air have opposite flows the gradual heat transfer greatly enhances the product quality and reduces stressing and fines. To achieve the required cooling effect, pressure and volumetric flow rate of air, length of column and the residence time will play an important role
Counterflow coolers are available in either a rectangle, square or circular cooling chamber design the circular design enables product to be evenly distributed throughout the unit, increasing cooling uniformity. The round design eliminates all poorly filled corners. Most system installations encounter limited space situations while counterflow coolers provide invaluable versatility in system design. Counterflow cooler is in its highly efficient design which produces a uniformly cooled product with a low operating and installation cost compared to other conventional type coolers.
---material and cool air is in reverse direction, so that the pellet can become cool quickly and equally.
---discharge with slide valve so that volume can be adjusted to smooth discharge
---a probe level is installed
---the temperature of cooled material is under 37.4-41
---efficient, trouble-free, and affordable cooling
---improved moisture control and low-shock, tempered cooling.