The detailed specification is as under:-
Neutral Ethanol (Fine Grade)
Property Unit Specifications
Strength by volume at 20¦ C % 96.1% min.
Dry Matter gr/hl 1.0 max.
Acidity as Acetic gr/hl 0.5 max.
Ester as Ethyl Acetate gr/hl 0.5 max.
Aldehydes as Acetaldehyde gr/hl 0.5 max.
Methanol gr/hl 2.0 max.
Higher Alcohols gr/hl 0.5 max.
Furfural Negative
Permanganate time test at 20¦ C minutes 25 min.
Hydrocarbons Absent
Crotonaldehydes Absent
Absorbance U.V. (Reference:water; cell : 1 cm)
270 nm extinction 0.02 max.
240 nm extinction 0.06 max.
230 nm extinction 0.12 max.
220 nm extinction 0.25 max.
Curve Smooth & Regular
Odour Neutral
Aspect Clear liquid free from suspended matter
Product Free from any components foreign to the raw materials
In 20 ft iso tank,one iso tank can carry 18.5 metric tonne approx
Main ingredient: Ethanol 77% + Isopropyl alcohol 2.2% + additives. Function: Fast and safe hand sanitizer in medical. Wash hand without water. Used time: 03 years from date of manufacture. Capacity types: 120ml packing 40 bottles carton. 500ml packing 20 bottles carton. 1 liter packing 10 bottles carton. 5 liter packing 4 cans carton.
Industrial alcohol. Container tanks.
Supplier: Denaturated Ethanol
Supplier: Ethanol
Buyer: Sugarcane Alcohol, Wheat Alcohol, Sugar beet Alcohol, Synthetic Alcohol
Ethanol Fuel anhydrous ethyl alcohol Fuel hydrated ethyl alcohol
AlcoholPshenychna slioza� (Wheat Tear) is the quality standard. It meets and exceeds the requirements of the international standards. It is a perfect basis for the best liquors: the noble spirit reveals the elite alcohol subtlest flavour. AlcoholLux� (Luxe) is the perfect basis for elite and premium spirits. It gives the opportunity to discover the drink bouquet, playing its unique part. Alcohol is in line with international requirements. It is produced from selected grains. AlcoholVyshchoi ochystky� (The Highest Purification) is produced from the highest quality natural ingredients. It is indispensable in the food industry, pharmaceuticals, perfumes, cosmetics, and other areas. AlcoholEkstra� (Extra) for the classic spirit line. Grain alcohol with excellent organoleptic characteristics. When tasted, it leaves a pleasant, sweet finish. The aroma is almost imperceptible.
Supplier: Ethanol
Services: Work as buyer's agent
Supplier: Ethanol
Buyer: Molasses
Supplier: Ethanol