Our feeders optimize the downstream screening process through uniform distribution or dosing.
Also suitable for abrasive or sticky bulk materials
If wanted available as a special version with integrated lump separation
Almost any material can be conveyed in dilute phase, suspension flow through a pipeline, regardless of the particle size, shape or density. It is often referred to as suspension flow because the particles are held in suspension in the air as they are blown or sucked through the pipeline
In dense phase conveying two modes of flow are recognized. One is moving bed flow, in which the material is conveyed in dunes on the bottom of the pipeline, or as a pulsatile moving bed, when viewed through a sight glass in a horizontal pipeline.
Pneumatic conveying systems are used to convey powders, granules, and other dry bulk materials through closed pipelines. This conveying is powered by pressure differentials and the flow of a gas, such as air or nitrogen. Positive displacement blowers generate pressurized or vacuum air to provide the pressure differential along the pipeline. Depending on the type of application, pneumatic conveying systems can be designed in four different configurations: â?? Pressure conveying; for low and high volumes and long distances â?? Vacuum conveying; for unloading, short distances, collecting bulk materials from multiple points. â?? Combination vacuum-pressure pneumatic conveying systems. â?? Closed-loop pneumatic conveying systems; for materials that are sensitive to oxygen or moisture, nitrogen is often used in these applications. The correct selection of Roots blowers plays a vital role in the overall performance of the pneumatic conveying system. The physical and chemical properties of the bulk material, the conveying capacity, the conveying distance, and the environmental conditions are key factors in determining the appropriate type and size of Roots blowers.
We provide airless shot blasting machine having special material handling system. Job Conveying system consists of Tyre type Skew Rollers, arranged at an angle to each other. So that pipe will move forward with rotational movement/mechanism. Machine is best suitable for the high production output and uniform finish. The components placed on inlet side of the Skew conveyor travels forward along with rotational movement and enters into the inlet tunnel. After passing through the inlet tunnel components enters into the blast zone which consists of Blast Wheel. These Blast wheel units are strategically placed around the Blast cabinet. Blast wheels fires the abrasive at high velocity on the forward & rotationally moving component & blast cleans them thoroughly. The Skew conveyors are driven by gearbox provided with VFD control. VFD control enables the customer to change/synchronize the speed of the conveying system with respect to the required blast cleaning operation. Machine consists of Blast cabinet / Mn. Steel Lining Inside cabinet / Heavy Duty Blast Wheels/ Abrasive Recycling and re-circulation system/ Automatic Abrasive Control Mechanism/ Inlet & Outlet side Tyre type Skew rollers/ Dust Collector
Product Description - Steel & Cement Plant Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) - RS 350000.00
Product Description - Paper Mill & Steel Plant Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) - RS 60000.00
Product Description - Industrial Use Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) - RS 6000.00
Product Description - Crusher Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) - RS 20000.00
Product Description - Billet Cutting Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) - RS 350000.00