• 9 minute tanning session • Convenient stand up configuration • Hinged acrylic for easy access to lamps • 2 stereo speakers • Security timer automatically monitors standards timer to guarantee accurate session time • High-tech digital timer. 118*112*227.
Name: Vertical tanning beds Model: A-101 Reflector lamps: 48pcsx 180 watt Power: 9.2kw Optional color: green, blue. Doors closed size(cm): 118x122x227.
1.42 pcs of reflector tubes in 180 w 2.Power:8.0 kw 3.Door closed size:118*122*227 cm Packing:arton with Wooden pedestal Gross weight:260 kg
Supplier: Tanning beds, solarium, tanning equipment, tanning salon, sunbeds, sun bathe
Definition : The use of snail mucus, also called snail cream, is new in the modern beauty industry, but its benefits have been recognized for thousands of years. The snails used to promote skin healing dates back to ancient Greece and is attributed to Hippocrates. Then Pliny recommended applying crushed snails to wounds and burns to accelerate healing. Our SSF says Snail Serum filtrate is produced from the slime of the snail Helixa Aspersa. Its therapeutic virtues target cutaneous scars generated by: 1. Juvenile acnes 2. Stretch marks of pregnancy 3. Recent uninfected epidermal burns 4. Aggressive unsightly wrinkles 5. Some indications will be news in this case : uninfected eczema and vitiligo In addition, H. aspersa mucus has a strong antibacterial effect against several strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. B. Specificities: The serum produced by our laboratory is the fruit of our five-year-long intensive research The snail used belongs to the Helixa Aspersa strain; he is subject to a specific diet and breeding. Our laboratory is committed to: 1.Developing a completely mechanical extraction process: ./ obeying the requirements of the big pharmaceutical companies. ./ respecting the international charter of the well being of the animal 2. promoting specific nano-filtration. 3. guaranteeing a. good physicochemical quality in respect of the noble constituents: Allantoin, Vitamins Elastin, Glycolic Acid b. the respect of strict bacteriological standards of a product initially making the bed of a very rich and polymorphic flora (108 germs / ml). 4. avoiding dyes, preservatives or parabens. 5. acquiring a packaging and a preservation technique adapted to noble organic products C .Composition of Serum The most active materials of snail mucus are: Allantoin : to soothe and cleanse the skin. It also speeds up healing. Glycolic acid : to exfoliate and accelerate cell renewal. It also regulates excess sebum on young and oily skin Vitamins (A, C, E) ; Each playing a vital role in the beauty of your skin: to promote hydration and tanning, to protect against infections, to promote healing or to protect and protect vital cells. Collagen to tighten the skin. It is also closely related to the healing process Elastin: Essential protein of the dermis. It gives your skin all its elasticity Trace metals Anti proteases The composition of our snail slime serum is illustrated by the HPLC analysis: D .Physical and chemical characteristics Our Snail Serum (99% pure) a) Caractristics Aspect Viscus liquid Color Colorless Odour Odorless Solubility at 20 C In water and in alcohol pH at 20 C 6.2 to 6.7 Density - 0.99 Sulfates 2.99 ppm b) Heavy metal Métal Normes Allemandes 2017 (ppm) Normes Canadiennes (ppm) La teneur dans nos sérums (ppm) Arsenic 0.5 à 2.5< 3 0.002 Plomb 2 à 5