- Purple tea is a type of tea derived from the leaves, buds and shoots of a crossbreed variety of the Camellia Sinensis plant, the plant from which black tea, green tea, yellow tea, white tea and oolong tea are derived. Unlike the rest, the purple tea plant is purple-red in colour and so are its anthocyanins (antioxidants which give rise to the purple colour). Anthocyanins are the same compounds found in other purple foods such as raspberries and purple grapes. Purple tea has many health benefits and some people prefer it to green tea due to its appealing taste.
-Shipping from Kenya
Tea grade: Tippy golden flowery Orange Pekoe (TGFOP)/Flowery Orange Pekoe (FOP) Top-Quality pekoe grades consist of only the leaf buds, which are picked using the balls of the fingers (13%) Tasting Notes: Sandalwood, honey and flowers.
Tasting Notes: Notes of cocoa, vanilla and sugar cane
Orthodox Tea Grade: Broken Orange Pekoe consisting of bud and two leaves-this is the next grade below Orange Pekoe which designates a broken leaf. Tippy, golden, and flowery or a combination of these terms may also be applied to this size of leaf. Thus a grade of 'TGBOP' is a Tippy Golden Broken Orange Pekoe tea. (31%)
Purple Tea is rich in anthocyanin (a flavanoid), the plant itself has a red-purple color but the tea comes out with a slightly purple hue. That regal color is as a result of high levels of anthocyanins, which have many anti-in-inflammatory and anti-viral-benefits.
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A special aromatic blend with a brisk and refreshing taste of bergamot. Now available in elegant metal cans to complement the elegance of the tea inside.
Quantities available in 200g
Packing details: 20 metal cans in a Master Carton (4kg Nett)
Supplier: Orthodox tea, green tea, purple tea, white tea and yellow tea Services: Export: orthodox tea, green tea, purple tea, white tea and yellow tea Buyer: Packaging material