HITACHI Airis Mate
Year: 2004
5 Coils: Head, Body, Extremity, Round L & Round M
Deinstallation: Around End-July, 2024
Hitachi Airis Mate 0.2 T MRI Year: 2005 SV: V4.5U Coils: Body/ Round coil/ Wrist/ Knee/ Head
Hitachi AIRIS Open MRI Year: 2013 Coils: Joint Coil M, Knee Coil, Head Coil , Body L, Body M, Software version V3.0 C
with Standard Accessories Model MR-RGP-4 MR-RF-03 Backed PC: MR-OP-150B Multi Tap REV.A: MR-OP150B SWITCH UNIT REV.A: MR-OP-150B Bed: MR-TB-14E Gantry: MR-WS-11D Filter Box: MR-FB-8C As is in Working Condition YOM: 2009 Software: V2.1 Coils: Body Coil (L), Body Coil(M), Head Coil, Knee Coil, Coil for joints(L), Coil for joints(M), Coil for joints(S)
Hitachi Airis Elite-0.3T, 2007 Software Version: V3.0D, Coils: QD Body, Joint-L, Joint-M, Knee, Head. Deinstallation-10th August 2024.
Pre-owned MRI System with Standard Accessories As is in Working Condition Year of Manufacture: 2002 8 Coils: Body (S), (M) & (L), Head, Neck, Joint, Stretchable Extremity and Quad Knee.
Hitachi Aperto Open MRI 2006yr 0.4T SOFTWARE; V5.0 R version). Coils: Head. Flex body M and L. Neck. Knee. Wrist. Shoulder. Joint S and M It's working in the veterinary hospital now.
Preowned MRI Scan System with Standard Accessories Magnet OXFORD SIEMMENS OR105 Year of Manufacture 2011 InstallationOn 25th March 2011 Coil MRRBC150N Rapid Body MRCTL150 Rapid CTL MRMPC151AMultipurpose140A MRRHC150 Papid Head MRNVC150 Rapid NV MRRKC150 Rapid Knee
Hitachi Aperto Open MRI 0.4T Year: 2006 SOFTWARE version: V5.0 R Coils: Head. Flex body M and L. Neck. Knee. Wrist. Shoulder. Joint S and M
Pre-owned MRI System with Standard Accessories As is in Working Condition Year : 2010 Software Version: V1.0 C/Option Software: DWI With 7 coils: Body(L)Body (M)Head, Knee, Joint(M), Joint(S), Shoulder