An additive intermediate prepared from highly active polyisobutylene (molecular weight=1000).
The products can be used for producing various types of polyisobutylene succinimide and boronized dispersants. It can also be used for the production of emulsifiers and processing aids for petrochemical plants. The recommended addition is 2 % - 10 %.
Pibsa1000 polyisobutylene succinic anhydride (thermal adduction pibsa) Description Pibsa1000 is a lubricant additive intermediate prepared from high reactive polyisobutylene (mn=1000) by thermal adduction process. The ashless dispersant produced from pibsa1000 possesses fine detergency and favourable low temperature sludge dispersion. Special features Free of chlorine Applications Used for preparation of polyisobutylene diene and polyene succinimide and bononize ashless dispersant. Used for preparation of emulsifying agents for emulsion explosives. Used for preparation of processing aids for petroleum chemical plant Characteristics Item Typical value Density ( Flash point (coc), (gb/t3536),180 Kinematic viscosity (100¡), (gb/t265), mm2/s 800 Tan, (q/jth012, affix a), mgkoh/g 110 The enterprise standard q/jth012-2008 Packing and handling It is packed in 200 litre metal drums. Store in dry, clean and well ventilated warehouses. For the details of health and safety precautions, please see the related material safety data sheet. 170kgs/metal drum