Supplier: Asbestos gland rope and asbestos gland thread
Supplier: Make non asbestos & asbestos gasket jointing sheets & packing, asbestos to non asbestos gasket jointing sheets, gland packing, rope, cloth, asbestos jointing sheets, gland packing, rope, cloth seal off air, water, steam, oils, gases, solvents, hydrocarbons, acids, alkalis
Supplier: Bubble level, level gauge glass, asbestos jointing sheet, gland packing, turcite b sheet, asbestos cloth, asbestos tape, asbestos rope
Supplier: level gauge glass, reflex gauge glass,klinger gauge glass,asbestos cloth,asbestos tape, asbestos rope, asbestos rubber sheet, asbestos jointing sheet
Supplier: Asbestos, non-asbestos & CAF jointing sheets, gland packing, asbestos yarn, cloth & webbing tape, PTFE / teflon & PP products, non-asbestos ceramic rope, rubber sheet, neoprene rubber sheets, mat
Sizes are attached to the pictures I Beam H Beam Sections Angles
Supplier: Asbestos, non-asbestos rubber sheet, level gauge glass, borosilicate glass, asbestos packing, cloth, rope, tape