Strawberry Physical Properties: - Color: Bright red - Shape: Oval or heart-shaped - Size: 15-25 mm (0.6-1 inch) in diameter - Texture: Firm and juicy - Moisture content: 85-90% - Stem: Attached or detached - Calyx: Attached or detached - Berries per container: 12-16 Strawberry Packaging: - 1-pint or 1-quart clamshells or containers - 12-16 containers per case - Cases stacked on pallets - Pallet size: 40 inches x 48 inches x 60 inches (100 cm x 120 cm x 150 cm) - Pallet weight: 1,000-1,200 pounds (450-540 kg)
Price : 1850$ CIF
Strawberries are harvested at optimum ripeness, fresh clean and healthy. Then subjected to washing and subsequently frozen in static tunnel, then selected and packaged. During the process are keeping strict sanitary controls. Strawberries are highly nutritious fruits, loaded with vitamin C and powerful antioxidant. Eating strawberries help to wards off cold and promote heart health
Product Category
Flower Tea/Spice/Combination Substitute Tea
Raw Materials And Ingredients fruit
Storage Condition
Cool And Dry
Storage Environment
Room Temperature/Refrigerated
Storage Technology Exhaust Air/Seal
Instructions For Use For Making Tea
Quality Guarantee Period 12 Months
Additive None
Country Of Origin China
Strawberry contains the highest amount of antioxidants as compared to other fruits. It is highly recommended for preventing the risks of heart diseases, cancer, and diabetes. Regular consumption of Strawberry works wonder for the skin. Egypt was the world's biggest frozen strawberry exporter in 2019, accounting for 20% of global exports with 140k tons exported. We export strawberry from our farms and some suppliers and always make sure that our products are of the highest quality.
Frozen And IQF With Best Technologies To Maintain All Natural Benefits Of The Fresh Crops.
Here all certificates of quality product that we have:
Global gap farm No. 4063061385567 (GGN)
FDA certificate (FDA NO 10695946798).
Quality: -
Class 1 Quality Meets global gap certificate EU Standards with SGS Inspection. And FDA registration
frozen fruits (Pomegranates-Strawberries-Mango slices)
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