We The Maruti Plastotech Prime Manufacturer & Exporter of Endless Rope Making Machine in India/Gujarat. One Of The Best Manufacturer & Supplier Of Endless Rope Making Machine All Over The World.
Key Features
A.C. drive fault alarm indication
Wi-Fi connectivity system for computer
User friendly touch screen display with PLC control
Denier & twisting calculator in display
Weight & Meter set point
All parameters will be shown on display
Door location warning
Machine lubrication warning
RPM/TPM adjustment by display
100 program memory storage facility
Daily, weekly & monthly report system (Direct save in excel format)
RHM-1000 twisted rope handle making machine is a high-speed paper handle making machine. Itâ??s fully automatic and operator friendly machine, wherein, twisted rope & paper are pasted together to form a handle. 2 rolls of paper and a bundle of twisted rope are fed into the paper handle making machine. Rope is pasted between 2 paper rolls and then cut at suitable length. Gluing and cutting are done within the machine and final twisted rope paper handles are delivered at the conveyor Long conveyors are provided as an option.
TRM-500 is designed to make twisted paper ropes are widely used to make handle for shopping bags. Rope made from the machine can be of different diameters as per the requirement. Itâ??s a high speed and high production twisted paper rope manufacturing machine. Fully automatic and require less manpower to operate. Paper roll of desired width is put at one end and at the other end e-winded twisted rope is made.
M55 is a new rope machine, which make the system unit and system of justice into one system. M55 Suitable for plastic round wire, flat, single silk, cotton, hemp and other long fiber tow as the raw material produce of 6-16mm rope. M55-3 Suitable for production of three-stranded rope.M55-4 Suitable for production of four-stranded rope. Main Features: 1, From the beginning rope to collect the rope in one step. 2, Inverter drive, and the supporting Meters, set a few meters can be automatically shut down, package tours for switch, using the second start mode, automatic power door. 3, Each turn 2 twist, up strength and stability, high efficiency and output speed. 4, Easy to change the twist. 5, The stability of strong, low-power, low noise, easy maintenance. Wooden box.
2mm to 6mm Rope Making Machine
4mm - 8mm Rope Making Machine - Rope Size 4mm,5mm,6mm,7mm,8mm - ABB/SIEMENS Motor - High Speed - Heavy Duty
Rope Making Machines are available 2 ,3 & 4 Strand(s 2 ,3 & 4 ply) in different Models for Rope dia. 1.5mm To32mm for the product of finished coiled ropes from natural and synthetic fiber from start to finish in one continue operation. Rope can be made from Nylon Monofilament, Danline PP/ HDPE, Multifilament, Cotton, Jute, Manila and Sisal etc from same machine.
Rope Making Machine - Rope Size 6mm,7mm,8mm,9mm,10mm,11mm,12mm - ABB/SIEMENS Motor - ABB/SIEMENS AC Drive - Electronic Models are available in different sizes
The machine is compatible with synthetic and natural fibers like polymers, polyester, nylon, cotton, jute, sisal, manila and etc., the machine is fully automatic to operate, plc based operation, wi-fi connection in built, remote access assistance from anywhere in world.
We The Maruti Plastotech Prime Manufacturer & Exporter of 20 To 45 MM & 24 To 54 MM Rope Making Machine in India/Gujarat. One Of The Best Manufacturer & Supplier Of 24 to 54 MM Rope Making Machine All Over The World. Key Features Timing belt is use for transmission of power Simple design and light weight Digital length counter meter is used and AC frequency drive used Less noisy and consumption of power is less High productivity with best rope finishing Inbuilt denier and twisting calculation High efficiency and high production Quality of twisting is excellent And Special design used for this machine Machine lubrication and oiling warning indication Door sensor for safety Easy to operate An twisting unit