White pepper is a spice produced from the seed of the pepper plant, Piper nigrum, which is the same plant that produces black pepper. The key difference between white pepper and black pepper lies in the processing method and flavor profile
White pepper powder is hot and intense.
Extensively used during fasting days and people also love using it in meat, chicken, seafood, eggs, etc.
Its pungent smell, peppery, hot taste, and health-friendly properties make pepper a favorite spice all over the world.
Price of product ( USD price or FOB price) : Contact
Product origin : Indian
Key Specifications/Special Features :
It is a ingredients of seasoning spices, fryums and namkeen industry.
White Pepper Powder. It powerful taste enhancer and aromatic.
We supply white pepper powder which is ground from dried, ripe fruit of the pepper beery. The outer skin is rubbed off, exposing the greyish white pepper inside. White pepper has a more mild flavour compared to black pepper. We have 2 varieties:
White Chinese Pepper Powder-B
White Chinese Pepper Powder-C
Let us introduce to you about our company named UD.Ardins_Plant.
Established since 2004 until now, only has a local market (Indonesia).
Our company is engaged in the plantation of black pepper, white pepper, red ginger, betel nuts, and others.
Our plantation is located in North Sumatra (Medan), and has a large area of ??land.
Together with this introductory letter, we are interested in finding buyers abroad (especially Europe).
The production capacity of black and white pepper is 1-2 tons and up tons per week and we can adjust the size according to buyer orders, red ginger 1-2 tons and up every week, while the betel nuts are still growing.
The products we produce are of the best quality and are well known throughout Indonesia. Therefore, we introduce you to our best products. To be clearer and more complete, we can also send samples for you (black and white pepper).
We hope that you can accept the offer we provide, and I hope there is a good continuation.
Thus we submit a letter of introduction to you. Thanks for your prompt attention for this matter.
Respectfully yours,
Product Description :
White Pepper from Sri Lanka is higher in Piperine content , We only offer white pepper that is consistent in colour and has less brown/ash berries
FRESH & SAFE ENTERPRISE is a supplier of 100% PURE INTERNATIONAL PREMIUM GRADE SARAWAK PEPPER products. We supply the following types of Sarawak Pepper in attractively designed stand up zip lock packagings of various sizes. Bulk purchases will qualify for the attractive bulk rates price.
Fresh & Safe Sarawak Black Peppercorn
Fresh & Safe Sarawak Black Pepper Powder
Fresh & Safe Sarawak White Peppercorn
Fresh & Safe Sarawak White Pepper Powder
Benefits of Sarawak Pepper:
Internationally recognised for its premium quality
Distinctive flavour and aroma.
100% home grown in the fertilized soil of Sarawak
Safe to consume and is sourced from farms that ensure its freshness