Strong biological fertilizer Contains macro and microelements humic and fulvo acids amino acids growth regulators natural antibiotics enzymes and peptides They increase yield and make plants resistant to stress Dose 100200ml acre
Microbial fertilizer that Improves the microbiological balance of the soil and stimulates the root system of plants
biological nematicide nematocide microorganisms biostimulator organic fertilizer NEMATODES Purpureocillium spp Purpureocillium lilacinum
BIONEMAXIDE is not harmful to humans and animals made of organic components
BIONEMAXIDE can be used at any time without restrictions There is no quarantine period
BIONEMAXIDE is highly effective It can also be used in conventional agriculture
BIONEMAXIDE is an innovative nextgeneration product
It can be used continuously for many years without developing any resistance
Strong biological fertilizer. Contains: macro and microelements, humic and fulvo acids, amino acids, growth regulators, natural antibiotics, enzymes and peptides. They increase yield and make plants resistant to stress. Dose: 100-200ml / acre. Microbial fertilizer that Improves the microbiological balance of the soil and stimulates the root system of plants. biological nematicide, nematocide, microorganisms, biostimulator, organic fertilizer, NEMATODES, Purpureocillium spp, Purpureocillium lilacinum. BIONEMAXIDE is not harmful to humans and animals, made of organic components. BIONEMAXIDE can be used at any time, without restrictions. There is no quarantine period. BIONEMAXIDE is highly effective; It can also be used in conventional agriculture. BIONEMAXIDE is an innovative next-generation product. It can be used continuously for many years without developing any resistance. SAFE TO USE! DOES NOT CONTAIN CHEMICALS AND GMOS!
Strong biological fertilizer. Contains: macro and microelements, humic and fulvo acids, amino acids, growth regulators, natural antibiotics, enzymes and peptides. They increase yield and make plants resistant to stress. Dose: 100-200ml / acre. Microbial fertilizer that Improves the microbiological balance of the soil and stimulates the root system of plants. biological nematicide, nematocide, microorganisms, biostimulator, organic fertilizer, NEMATODES, Purpureocillium spp, Purpureocillium lilacinum. BIONEMAXIDE is not harmful to humans and animals, made of organic components. BIONEMAXIDE can be used at any time, without restrictions. There is no quarantine period. BIONEMAXIDE is highly effective; It can also be used in conventional agriculture. BIONEMAXIDE is an innovative next-generation product. It can be used continuously for many years without developing any resistance. SAFE TO USE! DOES NOT CONTAIN CHEMICALS AND GMOS!
PLANTOZYME (BIO STIMULANT) Plantozyme is a bio stimulant manufactured by fermentation and blending process of Biomass and Herbs. It is biologically derived protein hydrolysate containing plant growth promoting substances microbes, Amino acids, enzyme precursors, activated micronutrients and energy stimulants. Plantozyme is flower dropping controller and growth regulator, Plantozyme is a biochemical developed to meet all the nutritional requirements of plants to ensure complete utilization of nutrients of improved growth, higher flowering, controlled flower dropping and crop tolerance to stress adverse seasonal conditions, pests and diseases. Plantozyme is recommended for cotton, chillies, paddy, grapes, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, sugarcane, citrus and other horticultural crops, vegetables, flower crops and plantation crops. Plantozyme -Biostimulant Liquid Biocontrol Organism: Amino Acids, Carbohydraes and Microbes Prescription: Flower dropping controller and growth regulator Crop: cotton, chillies, paddy, grapes, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, sugarcane, citrus and other horticultural crops, vegetables, flower crops and plantation crops Formulation:Liquid Application Method: Spray or through irrigation system Packing : 100m 2.GROMAX (BIO GRANUELS) Gromax a group of prokaryotic, photosynthetic microbes variously named as Myxophyceane, Cyanophyceae and Cyanobacteria. During the course of evolution, some of these organisms have continued to retain the primitive character of utilizing molecular nitrogen from air at the expense of solar energy. This process is known as Nitrogen fixation. Gromax - Biofertiliser Biocontrol Organism : Prokaryotic, Photosynthetic microbes such as Myxophyceane, Cyanophyceae and Cyanobacteria. Prescription : Nitrogen fixation alternate for UREA, Ideal for wet lands Application Method: Sprinkle by hand Packing : 5 kg Trilaminated Foil bags Gromax is an effective alternative for the high-cost and atmosphere polluting nitrogen fertilisers, inspite of heavy subsidy, and the widening gap between supply and demand makes imperative to use this input. Cyanobacterium increases the soilmicroflora to accelerate the process of mineralisation of gaseous nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorus present in the soil. Gromax improves disease resistance in the crops simultaneously increasing the yield considerably. It gives excellent results on wetlands for paddy, sugarcane and wheat cultivation. It gives extra tillering and equal growth in paddy, sugarcane, wheat, cotton, chillies, grapes, vegetables, mango, citrus and Bengal gram, Gromax is a soil application, which can give Nitrogen, Phosphate, potash, calcium and other nutrients to crops. 3.VAMPLUS (ORGANIC FUNGICIDE POWDER) Vamplus (Organic Fungicide Powder) Vamplus is a bio-fungicide produced through fermentation of Blomass of sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta, Vamplus is an effective protection fom fungai and viral infection of crops. Vamplus is an effective solution for the prevention and cure of Rust, Blight, rot, Spot, Damping off, Anthracnose and Pythium on paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Grapes, Vegetables, Chillies, Plantation, Pulses, Flower and Ornamental crops. Vamplus - Myco-Fungicide Biocontrol Agent: Sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta Target Pathogen / Disease : Fungai and Viral infection of crops. Cure of Rust, Blight, rot, Spot, Damping Off, anthracnose and Pythium Crops : Paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Grapes, Vegetables, Chillies, Plantation, Pulses, Flower and Ornamental crops. Formulation : Powder Application:Mix 2.5Gm to 5Gm Vamplus Powder in 1 liter of water and spray over plants / trees Packing: 100gm, 250gm, 500gm and 1000gm. 4.WORMS (ORGANIC FUNGICIDE LIQUID) (NO IMAGE) Worms is a bio-fungicide produced through fermentation of Blomass of sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta, Worms is an effective protection fom fungai and viral infection of crops. Worms is an effective solution for the prevention and cure of Rust, Blight, rot, Spot, Damping off, Anthracnose and Pythium on paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Grapes, Vegetables, Chillies, Plantation, Pulses, Flower and Ornamental crops. Worms - Myco-Fungicide Biocontrol Agent: Sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta Target Pathogen / Disease : Fungai and Viral infection of crops. Cure of Rust, Blight, rot, Spot, Damping Off, anthracnose and Pythium Crops : Paddy, Sugarcane, Groundnut, Grapes, Vegetables, Chillies, Plantation, Pulses, Flower and Ornamental crops. Formulation : Liquid Application:Mix 5ml to 10 ml Worms Liquid in water and spray over plants / trees Packing: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1000 ml HDPE bottle 5.ECOMITE(MITECIDE) Ecomite is a excellent Bio-Acaricide/Bio-Miticide made from herbal extracts. Ecomite is used to control sucking insects like aphides, jassid and mites on Cotton, Chillies, Vegetables, Tea, Grapes and Fruit crops. Ecomite – Bio – Acaricide Biocontrol Agent: Custard Apple Seeds Target Pathogen / Disease : Aphides, jassid and mites Crops: Paddy, Cotton, Chillies, Red gram, Groundnut, Bengal gram, Vegetables and other Orchid crops. Crops:Paddy, Cotton, Chillies, Red gram, Groundnut, Bengal gram, Vegetables and other Orchid crops. Formulation: Liquid Application: Mix 2.5 ml to 5 ml Ecomite in 1 liter of water and spray over plants / trees Packing : 250ml, 500ml, and 1000 ml pet bottle. 6.ECOTOX (ORGANIC PESTICIDE) Ecotox is a Bio-Pesticide made from fermented biomass of Strychna seeds and Neem seeds. Ecotox is an effective remedy against Bollworms, leaf roller and leafhoppers on paddy, cotton, chillies, Red gram, groundnut, Bengal gram, vegetables and other orchid crops. Ecotox is non-toxic and non hazardous to bees and other natural enemies of pests. BIOTOX(WSL) – Bio pesticide Biocontrol Agent : Strychna seeds and Neem seeds Target Pathogen / Disease : Bollworms, leaf roller and leafhoppers Crops: Paddy, Cotton, Chillies, Red gram, Groundnut, Bengal gram, Vegetables and other Orchid crops. Formulation: Liquid Application : Spray system Packing : 250 ml, 500ml, and 100 ml pet bottle Ecotox (WSL) – Bio pesticide Biocontrol Agent: Strychna seeds and Neem seeds Target Pathogen / Disease : Bollworms, leaf roller and leafhoppers Crops:Paddy, Cotton, Chillies, Red gram, Groundnut, Bengal gram, Vegetables and other Orchid crops. Formulation: Liquid Application: 1 ML/ 1 Liter of water. Packing : 100ml. 7.ECOMYCINE (ANTIBIOTIC POWDER) Ecomycine is an antibiotic feed supplement for Agri culture. Natural shield against pathogens. Ecomycine a well researched, non-chemical product with the goodness of nature’s antifungal and antibiotic properties to combat effectively against the wide range of gram +ve and gram -ve bacteria and fungi common in Aquatic eco systems. Ecomycine is made from fermented concentrates of Pongamia Pinnata and sacred Basil, it protects and prevents diseases in the natural way, it comes in powder form as fed supplement for fish and shrimp. Ecomycine Antibiotic Powder for Agri Biocontrol Agent:Pongamia Pinnata and sacred Basil Target Pathogen / Disease :Gra +ve & Gram -ve bacteria & Fungi Formulation Powder Application: 50g/acre 8.ORGOZEM(ORGANIC FERTILIZER)(NO IMAGE) Orgozem is a biofertiliser made from fermented biomass concentrates consisting of Herbal extracts and compounds with Ash as the medium of carrier. It is the best alternative for complex chemical fertilisers (NPK), wherein farmers can save upto 40% on fertilisers and gain 25% additional yield. Orgozem can be used on Paddy, cotton, grapes, vegetables, sugarcane, turmeric crops in addition to all flower and fruit crops. This product has excellent results in wet & dry land farming as well. The bio technological aspect of ORGAN makes it non-hazardous for animals as well as environment. Orgozem improves the percentage of Organic Carbon and soil fertility. ORGAN – Biofertiliser Biocontrol Organism: Biomass Concentrated and Fermented Prescription : Provides Natural N P K Ideal for Dry and wet lands Formulation: Oil Cake & Sugar Mud Application Method: 50 kgs / Acre, sprinkle by hand Packing : 50 kg HDPE bags 9. MAXSTIM (GROWTH S.P. POWDER) Maxstim is a bio stimulant manufactured by fermentation and blending process of Biomass and Herbs. It is biologically derived protein hydrolysate containing plant growth promoting substances microbes, Amino acids, enzyme precursors, activated micronutrients and energy stimulants. Maxstim is flower dropping controller and growth regulator, Maxstim is a biochemical developed to meet all the nutritional requirements of plants to ensure complete utilization of nutrients of improved growth, higher flowering, controlled flower dropping and crop tolerance to stress adverse seasonal conditions, pests and diseases. Maxstim is recommended for cotton, chillies, paddy, grapes, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, sugarcane, citrus and other horticultural crops, vegetables, flower crops and plantation crops. Maxstim –S.P. Powder Prescription : Flower dropping controller and growth regulator Crop: cotton, chillies, paddy, grapes, groundnut, turmeric, ginger, sugarcane, citrus and other horticultural crops, vegetables, flower crops and plantation crops. Formulation: Powder Application Method: Foliar Spray Packing : 150/acre 10. WAMP (SPECIAL RESEARCHED FUNGICIDE FOR MANGO CROP) Wamp is a specially researched fungicide and growth regulator for mango farmers. Wamp - Myco-Fungicide & Growth Regulator Biocontrol Agent: Sacred basil and peniophora Gigantea and Pongamia Pinneta Target Pathogen / Disease : Fungai and mildew. Crops : Special Researched fungicide for mango crop. Formulation : Powder Application: 1 gr/1litre of Water We will supply as per your requirement/standards
Oracle is an organic certified chitosan based product from krishidoot bio herbals, a house of organic product. Chitosan is derived from sea crab and shrimps. Foliage application and soil drenching can protect plant from fungal, viral, bacterial and nematode attack. Chitosan based oracle also gives curative results on above diseases. Dosages : 1-2 ml per liter of water. Available in : 100ml, 250ml, 500ml and 1 litre bottles. Product tags : Organic fungicides Fungal control Viral control Nematode control