APPLICATIONS Mushroom Head Screws are wide headed, lower profile screws with a traditional slotdrive. They are used for bolting softermaterials and are usually manufacturedwith a full thread. Their mushroom head islarger in diameter to create a largerbearing surface.
APPLICATIONS Mushroom Head Screws are wide headed, lower profile screws with a traditional slotdrive. They are used for bolting softermaterials and are usually manufacturedwith a full thread. Their mushroom head islarger in diameter to create a largerbearing surface
Imperial Slotted Mushroom Screws Size 1 And 2
APPLICATIONS Mushroom Head Screws are wide headed, lower profile screws with a traditional slot drive. Theyare used for bolting softer materials and areusually manufactured with a full thread. Theseheads, which have a slight circular shape wherethe slots cross, provide a larger mating surfacebetween the screw and the screwdriver
Cross-slotted Mushroom Head Screws Size 1,2 And 3
APPLICATIONS A combination slotted/hex head cap isoften used for self-tapping screws formetal, where the hex head enables greatertorque during the initial self-tappinginstallation, while allowing the convenienceof a slotted screwdriver to be used forremoval and reinsertion
Slotted Round Head Screws Size 1, 2, 3, And 4
APPLICATIONS Thumb screws offer a hand-adjustmentfeature, which allows for simple actionto fasten, tighten, loosen, or removethe screws. The main benefit is that notools are needed, so assembly teamsand end-user consumers can adjustthe screws with thumb and forefingeralone
APPLICATIONS Well, the grub screw is generally used to securean item against another item, without the useof a nut. This is important, because the ability tosecure without a nut makes the grub screw veryversatile and means that a grub screw can beused in applications that require a very smalland unobtrusive fixing