Brazil nut, Bertholletia excelsa, is a tropical evergreen in the family Lecythidaceae grown for its edible seeds (nuts). The brazil nut tree is very large with a long straight trunk which is 1 0 2 m (3.3 - 6.6 ft) in diameter. The tree only branches in the upper regions and the long branches are covered in large, leathery, oblong shaped leaves which form a spreading canopy. The tree produces large, pale yellow or greenish flowers and a round fruit which is approximately 15 cm (6.0 in) in diameter.
Brazil Nut is the main dietary source of selenium, 100g of it has 1917 g of this mineral, which represents 3485% of our daily needs. Obtained from the seeds of the fruits of the chestnut, plant of the Lecythidaceae (Bertholletia excelsa) family, peeled and dehydrated by appropriate technological processes and safety to feed.
Feature : sellenium, antioxidants, nuez amazonica, vitamin, phenols, polyunsaturated fats, ellagic acid, healthy fats, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese, thiamine, kosher, sorbet, ice cream, gluten free, vegan, plant based, freeze dried.
Nutritional Facts
The fruit has a thick hard shell and contains 18 to 24 angular seeds (nuts). The large edible kernel is protected by a thin, woody shell which has a wrinkled appearance. Brazil nut trees can reach a height of 25 - 56 m (82 - 184 ft) and can live for well over 500 years. Brazil nut may also be referred to as cream nut or butter nut and originates from the Amazonian rainforest.