Facial tissue boxes-2 ply, 200 sheets, 100 pulls, 20 cm* 20 cm
Facial Tissue Boxes-2 ply, 200 sheets, 100 pulls, 18cm*20cm
The chamomile water is steam distilled from fresh blossoms of bulgarian chamomilla during the months of may and june of each year. It is a completely natural product for skin and hair application. 100% pure and natural product. Chamomile floral water soothing and relaxing effect on the human body. Ideal as a facial or hair toner and for soothing irritated skin. Chamomile floral water is so mild it is ideal for use on babies. It can be added to bath water or used as a calming bedding / pillow spray.
Chamomile oil has excellent calming properties, chamomile is very effective for irritation, impatience and feeling disagreeable, and has great value in treating menstrual and menopausal problems, chamomile is also effective on the skin, not only to sooth and calm, but to heal and for tissue regeneration. Chamomile essential oil has a sweet, straw-like fragrance, is dark blue in color and its viscosity is medium. Chamomile oil is mostly cultivated in hungary, egypt, eastern europe and france, while roman chamomile is cultivated in germany, france, spain, italy, morocco and france.
Rose water is made using damask roses, many-petaled and fragrant. These were first grown in Iran and Bulgaria, but are now frequently found in Spain, Italy, and France. The uses of rose water are as varied and numerous as the petals of a damask rose. Most western countries are familiar with rose water or rose oil as an addition to fragrances and in body and facial creams. Commercial preparations come in many forms and can safeguard against bacterial formation. In addition, the buyer can choose organic preparations, thus eliminating pesticides from the roses in their food or on their bodies. However used, rose water is certainly almost universally enjoyed, with its sweet and deep aroma, and delightful and unusual taste.
Salvia essential oil ( or sage essential oil) is great for relieving grief and quickening the senses, while stimulating the lymphatic system and helping with female problems, such as sterility and menopausal problems and on the skin it not only helps healing but also to reduce pore size. Oil properties Salvia oil has a sharp, herbal smell, and is watery in viscosity. Origin of salvia oil It is an evergreen perennial herb that can grow up to about 60cm ( 2 feet) high with a woody base, soft grey-green oval leaves and a mass of blue or violet flowers. The Chinese believed that it cured sterility, while the romans believed it cured just about everything.