Our dendritic opal collection showcases specimens with tree-like patterns in hues of white, oranges, blues and greys. Known for their unique manganese and iron inclusions called dendrites, each piece is a natural work of art, often referred to as "tree opal." No two stones are alike, making these rare specimens intriguing for collectors and enthusiasts. Each piece of Namibias dendritic opal is unique.
Opal is a medium purplered dessert plum with good flavour The flesh is a golden colour and sweet It produces early and heavy crops of good quality fruit Self fertile
Plums are sent from November until March as bare rooted one year old trees All varieties are self fertile unless stated They need a sheltered position protected from frost Plum trees are quite hardy but they flower early in the year so if you loose the flower to frost there will not be any fruit The soil needs to be rich and moisture retentive but not waterlogged A sunny position will help the fruit to ripen and become sweet Plums do not store so pick and eat or destone and freeze Many varieties are dual purpose so as well as being delicious to just eat they can be cooked to make pies crumbles jams and chutney
Prune plums in the summer after cropping unlike most other top fruit which is pruned in the winter