Pan head wood screws are usedtofasten flat materials to timber. Panheads are like round heads, trussheads, and binding heads, althoughpan heads have largely replaced theseother heads in modern screws
Pan head screws are often used to secure metal
components, such as machinery and automotive parts and accessories, such as license plates and head lights. Pan head screws are a common head type of non-countersunk screw head used to
secure and fasten insulation. They have wide
heads, a flat bearing surface, and a flat or slightly
domed top surface with a recessed socket.
These versatile security screws areideal for a wide range of applicationsand are often used to secure glasspanels and sign-age in place in bothindoor and outdoor locations
These versatile security screws are ideal for a wide range of applications and are often used to secure glass panels and sign-age in place in both indoor and outdoor locations.