Having a botanical name Capsicum annum L, Red Chilli Oleo is also known by the names capsicum annum oil, red chili seed, chili essential oil, pepper essential oil and has its origin in India. The oil is extracted using distillation process from the seeds part of the plant chili pepper that is a hotly pungent variety of capsicum, the oil is derived through passing steam with the source oil having most intense spice. The oil is also used by the aroma therapists as anti-inflammatory, analgesic and digestive aid but should be avoided during pregnancy.
Containing medicinal qualities with use also as burn ointments, it is a dark red colored viscous liquid with a thick and viscous consistency. With a strong, pungent and stimulating scent, it cannot be typically blended with other essential oils and has main components comprising oligoalimenti, capsicina, capsanthin, lecithin, Vitamin C and flavonoids.