Botanical Name: Intsia Bijuga
Also known as Kwila, Ipil, Vesi, Johnstone River Teak or Scrub Mahogany
The wood grain is variable but usually interlocked or wavy, which produces a ribbon figure on the radial surface. The timber has a coarse but even texture. It has a characteristic oily odour when cut.
Once cut, the heartwood will initially appear as yellowish-brown or orange-brown before deepening to a pale to dark reddish brown. Merbau is a versatile wood product. It is utilized for larger-scale projects and general construction, along with common use for outdoor settings and barbeque trolleys, and for joinery, flooring and fitting purposes. As it turns well and responds to hand tools it can be applied to more specialized work, such as cabinet making, musical instruments, boat building, carving and tool handles
Supplier: Solid timer doors & door frames, merbau decking (reeded), sawn timber