All of our cinnamon is produced and sourced from Sri Lanka.
Our sustainable process begins right at the source
Where our own production output doesn't meet the volume required, we work directly with local farmers to ensure our ingredients are of the highest quality. Carefully selecting who we work with and our supply chain allows us to guarantee intense flavours, vibrant colours and powerful aromas.
We don't rush the process
We wait for the right time when our ingredients are at their peak flavour. We then choose the best crop and carefully harvest, dry and pack each herb and spice.
The result?
Spices that are bursting with incredible flavour for tasty, home-cooked meals in no time.
Perfect for sprucing/spicing up sauces, stews like chilli con carne, or even steamed rice with a enticingly sweet and spicy warmth
This Indian and Mexican favourite also works well in drinks like hot chocolate, mulled wine and various teas.
Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. Cinnamon is used mainly as an aromatic condiment and flavoring additive in a wide variety of cuisines.
Types of Cinnamon Quills
Alba best quality Cinnamon. Diameter between 6mm to 7mmin.
C5 Special Second best quality Cinnamon. Diameter between 8mm and 9mm.
C5 Third best quality and most commonly used Ceylon/Sri Lankan cinnamon. 10mm to 12mm in diameter.
C4 Diameter between 13mm and 14mm.
M5 Thin Sticks and rough on the surface. Diameter between 15mm and 17mm.
M4 Diameter of quills between 18mm and 20mm.
H1 General quality cinnamon. Diameter of quills between 21mm and 22mm.
H2 Sorted part of rough Cinnamon thicker than H1 diameter between 23mm and 25mm.
Cinnamomum Zeylanicum is a tree indigenous to Sri Lanka which produces the highest-grade pure cinnamon.
Sri Lanka is the world's largest producer and exporter of pure cinnamon to the world and pure Ceylon Cinnamon Suppliers from Sri Lanka claim 90% of global market share.
Cinnamon grown and produced in Sri Lanka has acquired long standing reputation in the international market due to its unique quality, colour, flavour and aroma.
Ceylon Cinnamon is categorised into four major grades - Alba, Continental, Mexican and Hamburg based on the diameter of the quill, where the most expensive (Alba) has a 6 mm diameter quill.