Type of packaging: Sleeve(2 Stems)
Master Carton Size- 37.5x37.5x48 cm
No. of Stems/ bouquets Per Master Carton- 36
No. of Master Cartons per Pallet (115x75x198 cm)- 24
Colours Available : Green, Red
Species SpecificationsFOB Price in USD Barbotos leaf1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Carnation1 stem0.2 Craspedia1 bundle (10 stems)2.6 Dianthus1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Lisianthus / Eustoma1 bundle (10 stems)3.4 Hydrangea1 stem2.9 Hypericum / Jequirity1 bundle (5 stems)2.9 Dusty miller1 bundle (10 stems)2.6 Lily 2/3 buds1 stem0.8 Lily multiple buds1 stem1.1 Latifolium / Limonium1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Limonium/ Statice 1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Ranunculus1 bundle (10 stems)3.7 Rose (all kinds, Grade A)1 pack (10 stems)2.9 Sunflower / Helianthus1 stem0.8 Wax Flowers1 stem0.8 Multi-buds rose1 bundle (6 stems)3.7 Strelitzia1 stem1.5 Amaranthus seeds1 stem0.6 Asparagus cochinchinensis1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Chrysanthemum (white / yellow)1 stem0.3 Dianthus Chinensis / Barbatus1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Gerbera1 bundle (20 stems)1.5 Ivy1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Mini Chrysanthemum1 bundle (10 stems)2.9 Moby Dick1 bundle ( 3 pieces)4.4 Monstera1 bundle ( 10 pieces)2.2 Parvi eucalyptus/ Eucalyptus1 bundle4.4 Salix argyracea 1 stem0.3 Dragon willow / Salix1 stem0.8 Gladiolus1 bundle (20 stems)5.8 Kale/Brassica (white/purple)Each1.1 Goldenrod1 bundle (10 stems)1.1 Tulip1 bundle (10 stems)5.8