A drawn brass rod of the round cross-section with a diameter of 135/200 mm
The brass rod� is made on a horizontal continuous casting machine on Verkhnidniprovsky Foundry and Mechanical Plant (Founded in 1898) is today the largest manufacturer and exporter of brass products in Ukraine. Many years of experience combined with progressive engineering personnel, and continuous implementation of advanced production technologies, ensure the highest quality of products that meet global requirements and standards.
The production capacity of the enterprise is more than 500 tons of brass rod per month of brands CW617N (58-2), CW608N (59-1), CW612N (59-2) or any other brass alloys at the request of the Customer. Our own spectral analysis laboratory guarantees the quality of the released alloys. Delivery routes to European countries, the USA, Canada, Turkey, etc. have already been established. They allow too quick and efficiently deliver the necessary volumes of cargo. The main components of brass alloys are copper and zinc, so the price of these raw materials directly affects the cost of brass rod. The information is provided to users for reference. A drawn brass rod of round cross-section with a diameter of 200mm.
Chemical Composition: Cu>60%, 1%>Pb>2.95%, Sn<1.5%, Fe<0,7%,Al<0,5%, Ni<1%, Si<0.3%, Mn,0,2%, other <1.5%, Zn is the rest.