Rheostat Sliding Contact, Rheostat Sliding Contact comprise a layer of resistance wire wound on an insulating, heat resistance tube (porcelain) which is supported by cast metal feet. A sliding contact & three 4 mm socket terminals are providing, one terminal being connected to the sliding contact & the other two to the ends of the winding, enabling the unit to be used as a Rheostat or potentiometer.
Wound with hanthal wire on 5.6cm dia tube, most suitalbe for high current temperature resistance 200 °C above room temeprature very useful for industries projects and research laboratories.
Supplier: All kinds of scientific goods and laboratory products like slotted weights, oven, incubators, rheostat, potentiometer
Services: Manufacturer
Supplier: Scientific instruments & laboratory equipment, biological models, charts, slides, microscopes, laboratory glassware, medical equipment, burner, moving coil meters, power supply, van de graph, rheostat, dynamo, clinostat, beaker, flask, burette, projector
Supplier: Scientific instruments & laboratory equipment, biological models, charts, slides, microscopes, laboratory glassware, medical equipment, burner, moving coil meters, power supply, van de graaff, rheostat, dynamo, clinostat, beaker, flask, burette, projector
Supplier: Book accessories, educational material & equipments, musical instruments, scientific instruments & laboratory equipment, biological models, charts, slides, microscopes, laboratory glassware, medical equipment, burner, moving coil meters, power supply, van de graaff, rheostat, dynamo, clinostat, beaker, flask, burette, projector
To verify Ohm’s Law, consists of one dial type rheostat, M065 moving coil voltmeter 5 volt & miliammeter 500 mA, mounted in spray pointed metal box with terminals, Supplied without resistance coil and power supply.
With built - in power supply and two MO65 moving coil meters, workable on 230 volts AC fitted with diode valve on front panel. Consistof Hight voltage : 0-250 volts AC at 25 mA continously variable Low voltage : 6.3 volts AC at 2 amps with built in rheostat for filament current control.
Binocular microscopes We manufacture a wide range of binocular microscopes that are used in educational laboratories. These binocular microscopes are precision designed and provide good visibility. View type : binocular head, inclined at 45 degrees and rotating Eyepieces : wide field wf10x/18mm eyepiece Objectives : plan objective 4x Objectives : achromatic objectives 10x, 40x(s), 100x(s, oil) Focusing : coarse and fine focusing with separate knobs Stage : low position coaxial mechanical stage Sub-stage : rack & pinion focusable 1.25na condenser Illumination : kohler with bullb in transformer and rheostat for 200/250 volts ac Packing : packed in thermocal box. Packed in thermocal with woodeen box
With built - in power supply and two MO65 moving coil meters, workable on 230 volts AC fitted with triode valve on front panel. Consist of Hight voltage : 0-300 volts AC at 30 mA continously variable Bias : 0-15 volts DC at 5mA continously variable.Low voltage : 6.3 volts AC at 2 amps with built in rheostat for filament current control.