Description of Bioptimex: Bioptimex is made from natural plant and animal ingredients originating from land and sea. It is made based on the bioconversion concept based on pharmaceutical technology.
Uses: - Effectively stimulate growth, improve plant physiology so that growth becomes more optimal
- Beneficial in improving plant physiological and bio processes so that plant growth becomes more optimum thereby helping to increase crop production
- Bioptimex Contains macro and micro nutrients, growth stimulants, vitamins, amino acids and various positive microbes that support plant survival
- Nutrients contained Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Sulfur (S), Calcium (CA), Magnesium (Mg), Iron (Fe), Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Etc.,
- Growth Stimulating Substances: Auxin, Cytoqinin, Gibberellin, Zeatin, Phosphate Dissolving Bacteria, Decomposing Bacteria, Amino Acids, and Vitamins
Vision: Play a role in restoring the natural conditions of agricultural land that has been degraded due to the excessive use of chemicals in plants
And also help achieve better and healthier agricultural production results.
Mission: to provide organic and sustainable agricultural production facilities that are environmentally friendly and sustainable.
1. Agriculture that implements the use of natural materials with a very small negative impact on natural sustainability
2. Maintaining the balance of the ecosystem