Chassis Number : Jteev73j400007999
Vehicle Name : Toyota
Model Name : Land Cruiser
Body Type : Suv
Drive : Right Hand Drive
Transmission : M/t
Mileage : 299744 Km
Engine Capacity : 4500cc
Fuel: Diesel
Colour : Gold
Drive Type : 4wd
Door: 5
Seat: 5
Year : 2012
Price : $25900
Chassis Number : Kdj121-0001146 Vehicle Name : Toyota Model Name : Land Cruiser Prado Body Type : Suv Drive : Right Hand Drive Transmission : A/t Mileage : 208068 Km Engine Capacity : 3000cc Fuel: Diesel Colour : Silver Drive Type : 4wd Door: 5 Seat: 7 Year : 2002 Price : $12900
Chassis Number : Jteeb71j00f004140 Vehicle Name : Toyota Model Name : Land Cruiser Body Type : Suv Drive : Right Hand Drive Transmission : M/t Mileage : 10 Km Engine Capacity : 4200cc Fuel: Diesel Colour : White Drive Type : 4wd Door: 5 Seat: 5 Year : 2019 Price : $43500
Chassis Number : Jtmhu09j2b5052609 Vehicle Name : Toyota Model Name : Land Cruiser Body Type : Suv Drive : Left Hand Drive Transmission : A/t Mileage : 47363 Km Engine Capacity : 4000cc Fuel: Petrol Colour : White Drive Type : 4wd Door: 5 Seat: 7 Year : 2011 Price : $22800
Damaged car
Are you from the era of '79 or just a fan of vehicles made that year? Toyota had a top of the line seller that year in their Toyota Land cruiser BJ40! We know Jeeps were popular as well, but nothing was better then having the Land Cruiser. Most 40 series Land Cruisers were built as two-door vehicles with slightly larger dimensions than a Jeep CJ. If you are looking for a Toyota Land Cruiser BJ40 you will not be disappointed. Condition of the jeep free rust, engine still like original, body original and runs excellent. This BJ40 does "not" have A/C or Power Steering, however it is capable of being added.
RHD Clean Land Cruiser Pick Up 4x4 4.2l diesel
We have Toyota Land Cruiser 4.6L V8 gas in stock and ready to ship. Black/black leather, Nissan patrol, Range Rover, Lexus L570, Mercedes Benz, surround camera, etc. Armor level B6. Please let me know if you are interested
RHD Clean Land Cruiser Pick Up 4x4 HZJ 79 Simple Cab 4.2l diesel for sale
Supplier: Used cars toyota camry, land cruiser pick up, hilux, volvo head truck, mercedes head truck, caterpillar 950 wheel loader