Sunflower husk pellets are made of natural raw material with high energy efficiency, suitable for different types of boilers
Energy content: 17,21 MJ
Moisture: 10,2 %
Ash content: 4,0 %
Sunflower husk pellet can be used as animal feed or better as biomass fuel. Have perfect quality. Can be shipped by vessel (bukl or containers) or truck in big bags.
Moister - max 12%
Diametr - 8 mm
Ash max 3%
Protein min 5%
Fiber min 40%
Product Details
- Diametr - 8 mm
- Lenght- 50 mm
Ash content no more 10%
Highest heating value 19 MJ/kg
Lowest heating value 17 MJ/kg
Sulfur content (S) no more 0.05%
Advantages of sunflower husk pellets over other fuels:
Heat transfer is 17000-19000 kJ per kilogram. This is more than the average values of wood and about the same as the heat given off by burning some types of coal.
2 tons of sunflower husk pellets emit as much heat as 3.2 tons of wood fuel, 957 m3 of gas, 1000 liters of diesel fuel or 1370 liters of fuel oil.
The burning of pellets is energy efficient, usually the amount of incombustible residues (ash content) does not exceed 5%.
No harmful substances are released during combustion.
There are no pores in the granules, which prevents them from self-igniting.
Our company is a manufacturer and seller of biofuels in Ukraine.
We export our products to such countries as Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania and other European countries.
We offer you high quality pellets from sunflower meal - budget biofuel with high heat output.
Ash content: 2-3 %
Heat output: about 4200 kcal.
Diameter: 6-8 mm.
Packaging: big bag, transparent bag 15 kg, polypropylene bags (optional).
Send your request now and you will receive an attractive offer with pictures of the product, taking into account the delivery to your port.