Control transformers are mostly used for industrial applications where electromagnetic devices are used such as solenoids, contactors and relays. Also control transformers can be utilized in industrial electrical applications for regulating voltages through electrical and electronic circuits.
We make wide range of control transformers with E-I Lamination core and with various termination styles to suit for customer applications either single phase or Two phase or Three phase as per customer requirements . We provide termination with lead wires, terminal blocks, Din rails, solder points, screws, and terminal connectors. We can provide EI transformers up to 10kVA. We can provide with electrostatic shields, Thermal protector switches and circuit breakers.
Insulation Class as per UL/IS (A,B,F,H)
C and L clamps are provided according to specifications.
High quality Terminal blocks are provided.
High quality XLPE leads wires used.
Low loss EI stampings used for high efficiency.
High quality hardware used.
Glass filled Nylon Bobbins used.
Flame retardant insulation tapes used inside.
High quality insulation used.
Fiber glass sleeves used for external wires.
Compact in space
Cost effective
Particularly well suited for resin cast
Less in weight
UL Approved
We follow IS11171.
Compatible to IEC61558-1
We can provide UL 5085-1 and UL 5085-2
Used in converters, inverters, instruments and power supplies.
Used in many types of machines and accessories.
Used in electronic sensing circuits.
Used in voltage stabilizers.
Used in power conditioning equipments.
Used in Rectified Modules