Size 0.9 meter x 1.8 meter
Temperature range -45 degree C to 120 degree C
Thickness 3.0 mm TO 25.0 mm
Product type Glazing Construction Profiles
EPDM profile
EPDM Rubber Profiles, EPDM Sponge solid rubber profiles, EPDM architectural building profiles, EPDM Wind Shields rubbers, EPDM Flock rubber profiles, EPDM Co-extruded profiles
EPDM Flocked Rubber Profiles are used in different vehicles as Glass Run Channel. This saves window Glass from friction and stops dust to enter into vehicle.
Key words - EPDM Rubber Profiles, EPDM architectural profiles, EPDM Wind shield Rubber, EPDM building profiles, EPDM Gaskets, EPDM Extrusion, EPDM Window Glazing,
Key words - EPDM Flocked Rubber profile, Flocked Glass Run Channel,
Key words- EPDM Sponge Rubber profiles, EPDM soft rubber, Soff seals, EPDM Door Rubbers
Key worlds- EPDM Co-extrusion profiles, EPDM Rubber steel insert profiles, EPDM Steel reinforcement profiles, Door Seals, Diggy Seals, Bonet seals
EPDM Dense profiles has wide application in cars, Bus, three wheeler, Building, Ship and every where between metal and glass. This is used as gasket heat resistant between metal and glass. Wide range of profiles are used in buildings/architectural as gasket. Universal profiles are used as Wind shield Rubbers and window channels in different vehicles.
EPDM Sponge soft rubber profiles has wide application in car, bus, panel, Gasket. Sponge rubber with molded joints and nylon clips are used as Door Rubber for Car doors.