about Us
We are established January 21, 2010 with 12
years experience in granular fertilizer
"GRAMOFERT" product capacity and local
manufacturing exercise with : SNI 7763-2018
(Standar Nasional Indonesia) with Balai Penelitian
Tanah Bogor, UNPAD Bandung Certified Analysis
We produce organic granule fertilizer with the
brand GRAMOFERT form fermented organic
waste material such chicken, cow manure and
other related related material for organic fertilizer
from nothing, to some thing
Making Process
We make granule organic fertilizer in our semi
automatic machine. customize and packed in 40
kg/sak GRAMOFERT not only for paddy forming,
but also vegetable, palm, coconut, gloves, rubber
Pure organic fertilizer concentrates , containing nutrient elements complete with high cations exchange capacity that will increase the availability of nutrient elements for plant