Conventional positive , 18-24 months when stored in a dark, cool dry space, 40, 000-150, 000 copies of impression. Depends upon printing condition like press, ink, paper and so on.
Positive-working offset plate with electrochemically grained anodized base light blue-green colored diazoic coating. Excellent quality light aluminum base. Unsurpassed technology matt surface treatment to improve film contact. Perform well on press and deliver excellent dot reproduction, with both AM/FM screening capabilities. Wide dampening latitude and good resistance to most pressroom. Excellent dot reproduction, water/ink balance and high printing quality.
Plate image and checking on halation spots
The appearance of coating of the plate before exposing shows very even, after exposure and processing the coating appearance shows no signs of halation spots and coating very even .
Advice is to perform further testing with its own chemistry combined with a durability test in order to determine bath life (pollution of processor and chemistry) and press performance
Unique air eduction layer ¿c perfect dot reproduction
With tiny air eduction grain on the ronsein ps plate surface, the vacuuming time during exposure can be greatly decreased, as well as preventing image halation.
Unique photosensitive coating ¿c high sensitivity
Ronseiní»s unique photosensitive coating consists of worldí»s first class photographic emulsion and resin, which offers outstanding alkaline resistance, superior stability, high sensitivity and increased adjusting flexibility. Ronseiní»s unique photosensitive coating ensures ronsein ps plate of unmatched resolving ability.
Excellent hydrophilic layer ¿c sustainable ink-water equilibrium
Excellent water reception capability speeds up the ink-water equilibrium procedure and helps to reduce water absorption during printing process. Ronseiní»s superior water retaining capability do effectively prevents non-image areas of the plate from scumming and avoids paper distortion.
Outstanding multi grain layer - excellent performance in developing
Ronseiní»s multi grain layer polishes up the hydrophilic substances of the non-image areas on the plate. This increases the ink-water adjusting flexibility and enhances the developing performance of the tiny dots. This also strengthens the dotsí» ability to adsorb the coating layer, which consequently extends the run length of the plate.
Durable anodic-oxidized layer ¿c extraordinary run length
The durable and strong oxidized surface formed after the anodic oxidation process on the aluminum material prolongs the run-length of ronsein plate. Anodic-oxidized layer also resists the corrosion of the retouching medium.