Country of origin Japan
Manufactured in Taiwan
Material source Beverage bottles
Intrinsic viscosity > 0.72dl/g
Bulk density < 0.35g/m3
Moisture < 1.2%
PVC polymers < 10ppm
Non-Ferrous Metal (Aluminum) < 50ppm
Metal (FE) < 20ppm
PE/PP < 20ppm
Label < 100ppm
Other impurity < 200ppm
PET colored < 500ppm
Origin: Mexico Material: PET bottle flakes Hot washed Sortex Rejection / Blue and transparent Category: PET Type: bottle flakes Color: Hot washed Sortex Rejection / Blue and transparent Quantity: 400 Tons Loading weight: 20 Tons Specification: "PET bottle flakes blue and transparent colors, hotwashed from Sortex Rejection TDS same same as Test report On going shpt "
Origin: Vietnam Material: PET Hot washed bottle flakes transparent Category: PET Type: Hot washed bottle flakes Color: transparent Quantity: 50 Tons Loading weight: 22 Tons Specification: "PET bottle flakes transparent colors - Hot washed, Size of flakes: 11-11.5mm, PVC: Less than 50 ppm Packing: bags 25kgs Quantity 150tons per month