Physical and chemical Property:
Molecular Formula: C10H9O7SNa
Molecular Weight: 296.23
Cas No.:3965-55-7
SIPM is mainly used in producing Dacron, film, etc., especially in the field of Dacron as the third monomer of cationic dyeable polyester(CDP). It has good affinity fuction with cation dyestuff because of the CDP fibre containing sulfo group, the dyed fibre is bright and lustrous, having a complete range of color and dying deeply, so this kind of fibre is developing quickly at abroad. The output of modified polyester fibre of amounts to more than 15%. The modified fibre has woolens feeling, it is easily blended with fleece and suitable for materials for making garments.
Quality Specification
Name of index
High class
White powder without impurity
Acid Value mg KOH/g0.6
Saponification value mg KOH/g 376 380
ppm Sulfate 100
Water Wt 0.4
Fe ppm 6
Absorbance 0.05
CI ppm 30
Supplier: Dimethyl-5-sulfoisophthalate sodium salt (sipm, DMSIP, DMS)