Technical Specifications
External Dimension - 2260L X 1075W (in mm)
Bed Frame - 2165L X 1015W (in mm)
Matress Platform - 1990L X 885W (in mm)
Minimum Height - 500mm
Maximum Height - 900 mm
Backrest Angle - 0-75* (+/- 5*)
Kneerest Angle - 0-45* (+/- 5*)
Trendelenburg & Rev.Trendelenburg Angle - 0 -15* (+/- 2*)
Safe Operating Load - 300 Kg
(Inc. Mattress & Accessories)
Patient Working Load - 240 Kg
Technical Configratation
Linear Motor - 4 pcs
Diagonal Lock Twin Wheel Caster (125 mm) - 4 pcs
Polymer Head & Foot Board - 1 Set
Polymer Side Rail - 1 Set
100 mm Dia Wall Bumper Wheel - 4 pcs
Heavy Duty IV Pole - 1 Set
IV Pole Provision - 4 pcs
Urine Bag Holder - 2 pcs
Hand Remote Control : Single - 1 pcs
Mattress Platform with Polymer Top - 1 Set
Mattress Arrestor - 4 Pcs
Backrest with CPR Function - 1 Set