Dolomite mineral is a double carbonate of calcium and magnesium and it exhibits a granular structure. It has high natural whiteness and it's noted for their ease of dispersion. Its use improves properties such as weather ability, reduces shrinkage, fissure development and water absorption. Natural Dolomite Powder is of White Colour and is used as Filler in many applications such as Soap & Detergent, Paints, Ceramics and many other Industries.
Applications: -
Soap & Detergent
Leather Cloth Industry
Cable Industries
Rigid PVC Pipes
Iron, Steel, and Ferro-Alloys Industries
Paints, Inks, Powder Coating
Ceramic Industry
Rubber Industry
Glass Industry
Available Mesh Size: - 100 TO 700 MESH
Custom sizes and Material of required specifications can be made in case of Bulk and Regular orders. BRIGHTNESS: - 92 TO 96 AS PER REQUIREMENT
Index Compound Result
1. Silica - (SiO2) 10.41 %
2. Alumina - (AI2O3) 01.15 %
3. Iron - (Fe2O3) 00.21 %
4. Titanium - (TiO2) 00.18 %
5. Calcium - (Cao) 30.02 %
6. Magnesium - (MgO) 18.41 %
7. Soda - (Na2O) 00.34 %
8. Potash - (K2O) 00.07 %
9. Loss on Ignition - (LOI) 38.91 %