Price - INR 2,587
Description: Bask in the comfort provided by the airy material of this dohar along with the grand history of the craft of Block Printing it carries.
Design: With large flowers of a pleasant pink hue, this dohar is extremely visually appealing. The rustic border adds to this dohar's visual charm.
Craft: Block Printing
Material: Mulmul
Price - INR 2,587 Description: Made of fabric once exclusive to Indian royalty, this mulmul dohar promises to liven up your room with its incredible texture. Design: The wide floral patterns lined with the bright blue stripes come together as a charming combination. Craft: Block Printing Material: Mulmul
Price - INR 4,173 Description: Balance the coarse winters with the soft material and colours of this dohar. Design: The oriental paisley pattern on this dohar lends it a look of elegance. Craft: Block Printing Material: 100% Cotton
Price - INR 4,175 Description: The intricate design of this dohar represents the craft of Block Printing at its best. Spread this minutely designed dohar on your bed and give your room a uniquely vintage appearance. Design: The baroque floral prints of the dohar provide the material with an added layer of sophistication. Craft: Block Printing Material: 100% Cotton
Price - INR 4,173 Description: Drawing inspiration from the beauty of Nishaat Bagh of Kashmir, this dohar is a soothing orchestra of colours and designs. Design: The motley of soft colours on this dohar create an aura of comfort and warmth. Craft: Block Printing Material: 100% Cotton
Price - INR 4,173 Description: A traditional Indian blanket, this dohar is made from the finest cotton muslin, that shall provide you with ultimate comfort. Design: The subtle pink shades of the large floral patterns invite one to snuggle within the folds of this impeccably soft material. Craft: Block Printing Material: 100% Cotton
Single Dohar/AC Blanket Reversible Cotton| Size: 152 X 228 CM - Plum Dohar Soft and Cosy fabric : This traditional body cover will keep you cosy and cool with its 60 yarn, high count cotton fabric on top and reverse with 100% cotton soft flannel inside ,to provide you comfort, and making dohar soft and warm, yet lightweight. This is suitable for summer and light winters.
Our Duvet Cover is made with finest quality of Imported Flannel fabric with eye soothing organic colors. Its fabric quality is super soft and furry to make the beholder feel like cozy and warm. Its Elegant designs will make the room look beautiful. Also its ideal for gifting
Dohars ( Ac Blankets ) Made With Layers Of Baby Soft Mulmul( Cotton Voile )
Dohars ( Ac Blankets ) Made With Layers Of Baby Soft Mulmul( Cotton Voile )